Chapter 27

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Damn, he's hot ;)

It's been a busy day for Kelly Severide, having already had two car accidents; two house fires and three people in distress. He's now doing paperwork in his office when he gets a message from his girl.

With a naughty grin, he zooms in on the picture of her. It's nothing crass, she's at work on her lunch hour so bored as hell. Sienna can't go a minute without the thrill of running up and down the hospital. That's probably why she has that sexy ass.

He puts the photo of her giving him a funny face as his screensaver and quickly replies to her message. He knows she wants a photo of him, but first up, he won't ever send selfies, and second up, definitely not at work where someone will see.

Was hoping for something with a lot less clothes - Kelly

Sucks to be you - Sienna

He laughs and puts his phone away when Matt walks into his quarters. The Captain lies down on his bed without saying a word.

Kelly raises an eyebrow but says nothing. They have the tendency to just walk into each others quarters to do absolutely nothing.

"Sylvie wants to have dinner with you and Si tomorrow, we can go to that Italian place or something."

"Sounds good man. Hey, I need to talk to you about something"

"Yeah sure"

Kelly sighs, "So Si and I were on a date, and Antonio was just randomly at the restaurant that we were at. He was high as a fucking kite man. I don't know what he was on, but he was aggressive and slurring his words, and just looked bad. I was this close to punching his face in for what he said to her."

"What does Sienna say?"

"She doesn't want Antonio to spoil what we have, said she's just going to ignore him but like I told her the doctor in her won't ever ignore someone on drugs. I'm going to talk to Jay about it, they work together so he's bound to notice something."

"He might be relying on pills after the shooting, talk to Jay. But if Si wants to leave it, then leave it. He's hurt her enough and she's finally happy. I don't want her getting sucked into his shit again."

"Yeah" Kelly sighs.

They get interrupted by the bell.

"Truck 81; Rescue 3; Ambulance 61; Engine 51; house fire; Lake Shore Drive"

"Let's go"


"Si, there's someone to see you" Choi tells Sienna as she finishes with a patient in the ER.

"Alright" She steals Maggie's bottle of water and takes a sip before the nurse can complain. 

"And where is this person, or is this just your excuse to see me, Choikins? I know I'm adorable, but you don't need to make up a story"

Choi rolls his eyes, "In the waiting room, arrogant woman."

She laughs and walks to the waiting room.

"Doctor Roberts?" An older man stands up from the chair in the waiting room.

"That's me" She smiles softly, "How can I help you today?"

The man seems friendly, he gives her a big smile.

"I figured if my son doesn't want to introduce us, then I will do the honors myself. My name is Benny, I'm Kelly's dad."

Sienna's smile turns bigger, her dimples are evident.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Benny. I'm Sienna."

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