Chapter 37

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It's been a week since the Antonio incident, and Sienna is working through it, avoiding the situation completely. Jay has been keeping her updated. Antonio is still in police custody but has yet to be charged with his crimes.

Drinking her third hot chocolate, Sienna sighs as she looks at the document in front of her. It's her day off, so she's spending it with her future mother in law, going over the checklist of what to do before the wedding.

They have finally decided on a date, 16 July - only two months from now on a Saturday.

Their invitations has already been sent out to all their friends and family, and they have decided on who they want as their wedding party.

Dress shopping is happening today since it's the only free day Sienna has until the wedding, and Kelly is going tux shopping with Matt at the end of their shift the following day.

Maggie, fortunately, also has the day off and will meet them at the bridal shop. Jay, of course, is going to lead her to Kelly and give her away, but he's also going to be her man of honor.

"So, I heard this DJ is one of the best in Illinois and one of the cheapest. You give him a list of songs and he creates a playlist for you. His equipment, time, and unlimited song list is included in the package." Jennifer says, showing her the details of the DJ.

"Wonderful. I'll book him."

"Have you decided on caterers?"

"Yeah, Kel's sister, Katie, is going to do it. I've also already booked my photographer and the cake"

Jennifer has a smile on her face, "Perfect, remember to book the DJ and then you're done." She shows Sienna the checklist. Out of the list of things, the only item on the list not ticked off was the DJ.

"Who is giving you away?"

"My best friend" Sienna finishes her cup of hot chocolate. "He's also my man of honor"

Jennifer chuckles, "How does he feel about that?"

"He said as long as he's not wearing a dress, he'd be fine. Besides, I'm his best woman once he gets married."

"Well, wonderful. Thank you for making me part of your wedding day, Sienna."

The doctor beams at her fiance's mom, "You have no idea how happy I feel that you want to be part of this."

Tears gather in the older woman's eyes but she blinks them away and clears her throat, "Is your friend meeting us at the bridal shop?"

"Yeah, Mags also has the day off, so she's meeting us at 11."

"Perfect, let's get going then."


Sipping on a flute of champagne, Sienna changes into her fourth pick of the morning. She's growing tired and hot, and can't wait for the break Jennifer promised her earlier on.

Both Maggie and Jennifer are chatting happily and helping her choose dresses, all while drinking their third glass of champagne.

"Come out when you're done" Maggie tells her, watching with rosy cheeks as her friend goes back into the changing room. She knows Sienna hates every second of changing from dress to dress, but she's also too busy enjoying the champagne to care.

She's not comfortable with the dress since it doesn't have sleeves and keeps falling off because of her lack of big boobs.

After agreeing with her, the women shoo her away for the second last dress. She just wants to get this over and done with.

"Oh, wow" Maggie forgets all about her champagne as her jaw falls to the floor upon seeing Sienna exit the dressing room

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"Oh, wow" Maggie forgets all about her champagne as her jaw falls to the floor upon seeing Sienna exit the dressing room. Jennifer's eyes grow wide, tears form in her eyes.

"Oh my God" Both women whisper in awe. Sienna's face matches theirs, she's also very happy about this dress.

"I found my dress" Sienna whispers, "This is my dress."


Sienna is grabbing lunch with Jennifer and Maggie when she receives a message from Kelly. 

Can I see it?

She rolls her eyes with a grin and declines his request. He has been bothering her ever since she told him that she found her dress via text message. 

She puts her phone down on the table and continues listening to the conversation the other two women have going on. 

After lunch is over, they make their way to the second boutique on the list to get Maggie's bridesmaid dress. Sienna and Kelly both decided on white and olive green.

 Sienna and Kelly both decided on white and olive green

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With Kelly still on shift and Hailey is spending the evening at home after she and Jay had an argument, Jay and Sienna are alone at the house with the dogs. Mouse is on a date with the same girl he's been spending time with for about nine months now and they have yet to meet her. Sienna has been bugging him every chance she gets, and he finally told her he'll bring her for a family game night.

"So what was the argument about?" She asks him, handing Jay a glass of wine. It's an unusually warm night in Chicago, so the two are sitting outside in the garden.

"Work" He shrugs, "We had a professional disagreement, like she said, but she won, again."

"What do you mean she won? Won what?"

Jay's lips are in a thin line, "So we argued about how to work a case Voight assigned us to. I suggested one thing, she suggested another thing and Voight backed me up. Then, she just started going her way without telling me, and we ended up losing the perp and another person got shot because of it."

Sienna stays quiet and listens to her best friend rants. She knows him well enough to know that he doesn't need advice, he just needs someone to listen.

"I know I said I would never bring work into my relationship, but, come on, a person died because of her decision."

"What did Voight say?"

"He was pissed."

She sighs, "What are you going to do? Have you talked to her, without fighting?"

"No." He rubs his jaw, "Not yet. I will. I love her, Si, but she thinks that just because we're in a relationship she can go over my head. At work I'm still senior detective, and I give the orders because it's my neck on the line."

"I know" Sienna agrees with that. 

"I'll talk to her tomorrow at work, but I doubt Hank will continue to let us be partners."

"Maybe" Sienna shrugs, "don't bite my head off, but maybe it will be better for your professional and personal relationship if you two aren't partners anymore."

"Yeah, maybe." He sighs.


Double update yesterday! How do you like these chapters?

Antonio has totally lost the plot but is he gone for good?

Are we concerned that Seager is M.I.A?

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