Chapter 1

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Maggie raises her voice to be heard over the chaos in the hospital. 

The hospital is flooded with patients - a man crashed into a school bus and had killed two teachers and three kids. It is a traumatic day.

Sienna helped at the scene to get the kids out, a few of them only has minor bruises but there are too many in critical condition.

"Choi, Halstead, Prentiss, room two, four, six." Sienna says as she goes to her own patient in the Hybrid room. 

"What's your name, sweetheart?" She asks the little girl with brown pigtails and dark eyes. The child, barely 9, looks so innocent.

"Gabby" She says

"My friend's name is also Gabby. It's a beautiful name."

Gabby smiles at Sienna's words, "Are you going to make me feel better?"

"I am" The doctor says, "Everything will be ok, all you have to do is sleep. I'll do the rest."

Gabby nods and does what the doctor says. Sienna puts her to sleep and then takes her up to the OR. Her liver has been ruptured. 

Once the liver is completely attached and Sienna is sure Gabby will recover fully, she cleans up and goes down to the ER for more cases. 

Midnight comes and goes, and they are now in the early morning hours but the kids are all going to be fine. As for the driver of the vehicle that crashed into the kids, he's going to be paralysed and in serious trouble. Turns out he was high as a kite.

She gives Kelly a small smile as he stands outside the hospital, wearing his very tight-fitting, mouth-watering Lieutenant T-shirt and jeans. He's still on duty.

"Well, hi there" She grins spotting Cruz in the driver seat of the Rescue truck. She waves at him and he gives her a big smile and over-exaggerating wave back.

Kelly brings her into a tight hug. Her head gets dizzy at the smell of his cologne. Such a manly, sexy smell.

Ugh for fuck sakes, stop it, Sienna.

"How are the children doing?"

"Some of them have a lot of internal problems now, two are paralysed but they are all alive and that is all that matters. It was a terrible day for all of us, but they are going to be fine."

"Good. My shift ends at 8 am, then I'm off for 48-hours. So don't plan anything for the evenings."

"You're bossy" She snickers, "But I like it, and I will see you then."

He smirks at her, "See you then, gorgeous."

She hugs him again and waves at Cruz the same way he waved at her earlier causing him to chuckle. "Be careful."

"Always, bye Si."


Sienna gets home at 2am, Jay is sleeping and the house is quiet and warm. It doesn't take long before she's in deep sleep.

She wakes up without an alarm clock for the first time in weeks, and it's the best feeling in the world. She's well-rested and looking forward to her day off. 

When she looks at her phone, it's already 9 in the morning.

The sound of glass breaking gets her out bed faster than she's ever done. She grabs a baseball bat and goes down the stairs. 
Jay can't be home anymore. His shift started at 7.

"Shit" She faintly hears and then rounds the corner.

"Freeze, I am not afraid to use this"

The man chuckles and turns around and it is just then that she realizes the man is Jay, he's in fact home, and he's trying to make breakfast.

What kind of alternate universe did she wake up to?

"What are you doing?"

He smirks, "Were you really about to hit me with a baseball bat - and seriously 'I'm not afraid to use it' - that is such a 80s cop show line"

She rolls her eyes, "Why are you home Halshit?"

"Halshit?" He chuckles, "My shift only starts at 11 today, the department is monitoring our hours."

"Okay, next question, are you trying to burn down the house?"

"Yes, so your fireman boyfriend can come save us" He rolls his eyes, "I am allowed to make breakfast, Fizzer bun."

"I never said you weren't" she chuckles, "But last time you did, I had to throw away two pans and I think it was bacon. I couldn't tell."

"Yeah well, you can't fix a light bulb so" he sticks out his tongue at her and she laughs.

"Aw, Jay-bay. Sienna is very sorry she insulted you. But really, can I make breakfast for us?"

"Fine. I already broke the measuring glass thingy."

"I heard, hence the baseball bat."

Jay smirks, his brown eyes glint in amusement, "Where did you get the baseball bat, by the way?"

She shrugs, "a patient of mine gave it to me a few days ago, he was a pro baseball player but got in an accident that left him without movement in his arms."

"Poor guy" Jay comments. 

She ended up making them an omelette with bacon bits, red peppers and cheese in it. 

"What are you doing on your day off?" Jay asks, his mouth full of food. She cringes, "I'm spending the day in front of the TV, watching Netflix, eating fizzers, cookie dough and everything unhealthy, and then Kelly said I had to keep my evenings open."

Jay smirks and wiggles his eyebrows, "How's it going with you and boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend"

"Yeeeet" Jay sings

"Eat your food"

He chuckles at her, but his chuckle gets stuck in his throat when Sienna asks him how his relationship is going with Hailey.

Tit for tat, dear Jay. Tit for damn tat.

"There is no relationship"

"Yeeeeeeet" She mimics him causing Jay to laugh with an eye-roll. "Fine, you've got me. I won't mention your not-so-relationshippy-relationship if you don't mention my not-so-relationshippy-relationship"

"Deal, BFF" She says finishing her omelette. "I'm an amazing cook" She stands up to put her plate in the dishwasher.

Jay snorts, "modest much?"

"Says the guy who looked at himself in the mirror yesterday and gushed about how sexy he is."

"You can't argue with that one, Fizzer. I mean, I'm a ladies magnet, a sex-symbol, hunkiness on legs"

Sienna throws him with an egg shell and laughs at the look of absolute shock on his face. He eventually smirks and throws it back to her.

You've guessed it, for the next half an hour the two had an egg shell fight.


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