Chapter 43

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If you want to feel the words and emotions I recommend listening to the songs on my chapters. My goodness. Bawling. 

Three weeks

Twenty one days

Five hundred and four hours

It's been three weeks since the shooting, and Sienna is still not responding to doctors. After three more surgeries, the two stents finally held her heart vessels together. They were lucky, a fifth surgery would have killed her.

As soon as her heart started pumping blood on its own, her organs started functioning normally again without the help of machines.

Even though all Kelly wants to do is be with his girl while she's still unconscious in a hospital bed, Boden had him return back to work. The floater wasn't working out, according to Cruz, did the floater go after Kelly's job because 'you don't take leave just because your girl got shot'

Boden immediately let him go.

"Hey man, any news?" Matt asks as he steps into Kelly's quarters. Kelly is struggling to find his voice as he shakes his head.

"No." He stares at the phone on loud volume. "Not yet"

"She's going to wake up, man. I can just feel it."

Gallo knocks on the quarter's sliding door and walks in after Kelly has given permission.

"Lieutenant, Captain, there is someone out on the apparatus floor to see you."

"Who is it, Gallo?" Matt asks, still lounging on Kelly's bed.

"Uh, she said it's a surprise."


Jay's alone in Sienna's room. Nurses and doctors have been zooming in and out of her room all morning, and Jay only has an hour left until he needs to go back to work. Three weeks without her goofy jokes and laughter, he's going crazy.

Stroking her hair with his hand, he leans over and kisses her softly on the forehead. "You need to wake up, Fizz. We're going crazy without you."

He sighs, "Hails and I made peace. We never really spoke of the fight but after you got... He clears his throat, "After the incident, she started coming around again and is still helping me. I miss you, Fizz. I miss you so much. The house is so quiet without you."

He gives her forehead another kiss, "You're getting married, Sienna. You can't do that if you're in a hospital bed, unconscious. So wake up."


Matt's eyes are void from any emotions.

They enter the apparatus floor and the first thing they see is a small crowd by Otis's memorial stone. The surprise might not be as welcoming by some as she would have hoped. Only a handful had come say hi.

The dark woman smiles sadly at the two men still standing by the firetruck.

"Hi Matt. Hi Kelly" She says softly as the crowd watches on.

"Gabby" Kelly starts, he sighs and walks over to her. He gives her a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

Gabby shrugs, "Of course I'm here. I- I don't know what to do, my friend is in the hospital and it's because of my brother... so of course I'm here."

Kelly nods, "It's...uh, it's good to see you."

"You too, Kelly. Congratulations on your engagement. Sienna invited me"

Kelly smiles, "I know."

Gabby nods again, suddenly very nervous. She feels Matt's burning gaze on her as her eyes finally meets his.

"Hey, Matt"

"Gabby" He replies slowly, keeping his eyes on Sylvie standing at the back. He wants to reassure her that just because Gabby's back it does not mean his feelings have returned. He's very much in love with the blonde, and not even his ex wife will ever change that.

"Good to see you" He tells her, refraining from the hug she wanted to give him.

"You too. I uhm, I need to see..uh"

"Antonio?" Matt asks, his voice hardening. It's not her fault that her brother shot a friend, but still, she shouldn't bring him up. Not at this firehouse. The people here absolutely love Sienna Roberts.

"Y-Yeah" Her voice cracks, "If it's alright with you, Kelly, I'd want to see Sienna as well"

Kelly nods, "She invited you to the wedding for a reason."

"Okay" She gives them all a smile, "I'll see you all later"

Herrmann nods, "Yeah, come get a drink at Molly's."

"I'd like that" Gabby grins, "See you guys later."

Kelly's phone rings as everyone tries to recover from the shock of seeing Gabby Dawson again. They all stand around, chatting at the memorial stone, when Kelly comes back. He looks worried, stressed, anxious

"What's up Severide?" Boden asks

"Uh, that was Jay, he says I need to come immediately"


Yes, yes. A very very very very short chapter but it's the best place to end the chapter.

Gabby's back! What do you think of that?

Drama ahead. I will update again on Sunday or Monday. Have a good weekend!

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