Chapter 15

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There's this quote,

Our flag does not fly because the wind blows it, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.

The sky is murky, no star in sight. It describes the vibe radiating off the quiet country. People are too scared to come out of shelter, as the Taliban invade the landlocked country.

Jay walks back into the house, in a daze.

"Hey, where did you disappear off to?" Hayley asks him, her eyes glazing over in a wine-daze.

He snaps is attention towards his girlfriend, "I uh, I need... uh, Sienna, can I talk to you?"

Sienna's eyes grow big. This is the first time since he met her that he's called her by her full name.

"Uh, sure, yeah" She mumbles and stands up from Kelly's embrace. She joins him in the kitchen.

"What's going on?" She asks him. He looks pissed and stressed, which is never a good combination - especially not for Jay who is a walking time-bomb half of the time.

He scrunches up his face in anger, "Remember Captain Geo Rogers?"

She frowns, "Yeah, third tour in Khost, he was a mean bitch."

Jay barely chuckles, "He called me, Kabul is a shit-show. Taliban has invaded the country, taken people as prisoners. Including our own."

"Ah, shit." She whispers softly. She frowns as she sees the look in his eye, she knows him well. He's hiding something.

"Including our own?" She repeats, "Including our own. Mouse is in Kabul, he's taken as hostage?"

"Yeah" Jay watches as Sienna processes the news. She grabs the first thing she can get her hands off, which is the butter tub and throws it in anger.


Nobody is talking, the tension is unbearable. The camp site is in sight as soldiers line up to meet them.

Kelly meets her in her bedroom after her talk with Jay.

"I need to tell you something, and you have to promise me to not get mad."

Kelly frowns, "You sure know how to make a guy feel good, babe."

She sits next to him and grabs his hand, kissing the back of it.

"We have a friend, Mouse, he was a here a couple of years. An army buddy of mine and Jay's. He got taken as hostage by the Taliban, we need to go there to save him and many others."

Kelly sighs, "You're going to deploy again? In the middle of a war?"

She nods, "I need to. Mouse would have done the same for me, in fact he has."

Kelly stays silent so Sienna takes it as her cue to talk, "I would not blame you if you decide not to wait for me. If you move on, I would never blame you."

He rolls his eyes, "I'm not Antonio" He snaps, "Of course I will wait for you. I would risk going into a burning fire without gear for the men and women that have saved my life before, I know why you are doing this. I'm not happy, because I really like you, but I'm not stopping you."

She kisses him as though her life depends on it, "Thank you"


Without waiting a second, the two get out of the jeep and walk with Captain Rogers to the base site.

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