A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 2

Start from the beginning

That's when things quickly turned sour. One of the female scientists was observing Sakura's project with much more curiosity than the pinkette was comfortable with... and she was suddenly interrupted while explaining her research by said woman when she asked, "Would you be willing to sell him, Miss Haruno?"

A short pause ensued, followed carefully by, "Excuse me?"

"Him...," the scientist pointed her bony finger in Sasuke's direction; her expression almost predatory in nature as she licked her lips. Sensing her distress, Sasuke inched closer to his pink-haired maker as her hands clamped tightly onto her clipboard. Sakura's jaw tightened and her body visibly tensed up, but she did her best to act the part of a friendly hostess and put on a fake smile before clearing her throat to address the statement.

"Oh, him. I'm so sorry, ma'am. He's not for sale. This one is just a prototype, but once we work out all of the kinks in his software...the software itself will be for sale." Her smile at the end was clearly fake, as was the other woman's and the two stared each other down for a few moments, before Tsunade decided to intervene.

"This specimen seems rather attached to its creator, so we plan to keep him and improve on his functionality overall to help expand the cyborg software itself, before we move on to create an even better one than this one. The newer one, once it's complete, will definitely be available for purchase in the future. I hope you understand our reasoning behind keeping this one to ourselves. Cyborg number-mark seven is kind of special after all... since he is our first."

The woman's lips twisted in annoyance before she let out a deep sigh. "I do, I suppose. However, I'm not so sure our director, Mrs. Shimizu, will. She seems rather interested in this one in particular."

Sakura stepped forward and Sasuke unconsciously moved with her...flanking her right while crossing his arms behind his back. "As I have stated, along with my master, this one in particular is NOT for sale. He belongs to me and I'm not at all interested in even so much as bargaining on a price for at this time. You will have to wait like everyone else for the software to become available I'm afraid."

"A shame really," the woman said... anger seeping into her tone as she flipped her hair over her shoulder...a frown on her lips. "I thoroughly enjoy the looks of this one." Her grey irises scanned him (from head to toe) and Sakura cleared her throat to gain the woman's attention once again.

"They can be constructed to fit anyone's likes or dislikes. It all depends on the customer's preferences really."

"Are you positive you won't even be willing to negotiate on this one? I would love to get to know all of his functions, if you know what I mean."

Sakura had to bite down on her tongue for a moment in order to keep from screaming at this woman. "No, I'm not."

"I'm sure you could afford to part with him for even just one night. What types of personal functions can he do? Will he be able to ful—"

Tsunade decided to interrupt then and Sakura thanked the gods above that she did because she was just about ready to throw hands with this lady if she thought for one second that the pinkette was just going to allow her to use her very own cyborg for any type of "personal satisfactions."

That is NOT what she had programmed him for...and even if she had (or decided to add the feature later on) she most certainly wouldn't allow him to use it on anyone other than herself. "Well, I think we have seen enough for today. How about we head out for some lunch and when we return, we can show you all about our new genetics testing that we've been experimenting with on rats. It's fascinating actually...I don't think you will be disappointed."

"I certainly hope not," the scientist said before closing her holographic notepad. The lady then stretched her hand out towards Sakura, in a farewell handshake. "I appreciate the tour of your wonderful facility." She then moved to Sasuke, who very cautiously accepted her outstretched hand, after a quick glance at Sakura. "And I am sure we will be seeing each other again, very soon." With that she left.

Sakura stood, watching her and drumming her fingers on her clipboard, while Sasuke waited for her to speak. When she didn't— "What is it, Sakura?"

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Will she try to take me away from you, do you think?" His tone is neutral, but Sakura knew that he cared more than he let on. He liked her as much as she liked him, and she would do everything she could to keep him and keep him safe.

"I don't know... I just don't know."


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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