chapter 2

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Arriving at his workplace on time Jungkook calmed down and rubbed his neck.

What a morning!

He was still speechless, when suddenly a door opened and he almost got hit.

"What the f*ck?!" He cursed loudly, stepping aside in time.

"I swear, God wants to kill me with doors today!" He ranted on. "First-"

"I hope I hit your head that you rumble non-sense and that it's not alcohol-you talking." Someone cut him from behind and Jungkook frowned.

Yup. God wants him dead somehow.

He put on a grin and turned around, wanting to greet the person with an overjoyed hug.

"Don't even try, bunny." He got denied first thing.

His grin dropped out of his face. To his relief.

"I didn't want to hug you anyway," Jungkook countered right back.

"And for your interest, shorty! I am not drunk! Doors are just irritating." He added, while fixing the bag on his shoulder. He also grinned, seeing the stunned reaction of his cousin. He walked around, then backwards and gestured a little salute.

"See ya later!" He dismissed himself. It was better to escape the situation quickly. No one, absolutely no one, wanted to see a wild mochi getting mad.

Wild mochi aka Jimin, who was his cousin, was frozen and his mouth dropped open. He blinked a few times, before he rushed after the younger one.

"See ya, my ass!" Jimin yelled and quickly caught up. Jungkook just smirked.

"Doors are irritating? What a lame excuse to be late, don't be a let-down," Jimin picked up the conversation again.

"I am not! Suddenly a doll came into my living room-"

"Eww! TMI! Don't tell me your bed stories, I had no coffee yet to endure it all," Jimin immediately interrupted. It startled Jungkook first, so he lifted his eyebrow and in the next second hit his cousin with his elbow.

"I said INTO my living room. NOT in my living room," he pointed out with a laugh.

"And don't play prude. You are the first one, who wants the details. This doll has sinful curves, I'm telling you." He started talking. Jimin however handed him his stylist kit bag to carry, because his phone rang unexpectedly.

"Nope. Not anymore. I'm taken now," he declared, before picking up the call. He went ahead, while Jungkook slowed down.

"Means?!" He wanted to know. He watched the older man continue walking and furrowed his eyebrows. The blonde was focused on his talk on the phone, sounding business-related.

"No fun anymore?!" Jungkook yelled loudly. Jimin turned around questiongly with a raised eyebrow, but averted his focus back onto the phone again.

Jungkook sighed.

"Great. I lost my wingman." He mumbled. He must have taken the wrong turn somewhere, crashed against a building with his car and woken up in a cruel world like this.

If he gave it all a proper thought, it all started going downhill yesterday. They were all busy with the cattle call for the new campaign, meaning multiple agencies sent over their models for the casting. So Jungkook was pretty much drowning in work, doing test shoots all day long. He was the main photographer this time, so he had no other choice anyway.

Jungkook huffed and followed his cousin to the showroom of this location. There he would hand over the older one's stylist kit bag, then continue his way. He finally caught up, entered the showroom after Jimin and placed his bag on the ground. He smiled a little, watching the short blonde mochi whirling from one corner to the other. He was grateful for having him, not so much for the workload due to this job, but nevertheless happy enough. At least they often worked together. It always was a blast, because Jimin and him could easily hang out after work and crash some bars and nightclubs.

The best part? They were each other's wingmen to check out alluring beauties. Often successful. Now Jimin was taken, keeping quiet about who he was dating, and refused to tag along yesterday night. He really dropped his young cousin for having a cheesy movie night, making Jungkook in the present almost roll his eyes.

"Whatever." He said to himself. He ignored the blonde and walked out of the showroom again, before thinking about yesterday.

It was a blast. For the first half of the night. Some models went out together and asked him to join, he gladly did after boring nights alone for two weeks. And who would say no that to beautiful models? He could not.

They seemingly could not as weol, because they kept wiggling seductively around him on the dance floor. Here a girl and he got closer, dancing and swaying to the beat. Tonight he would not be alone and get his frustration fixed!

...If the girl hadn't been throwing up to the beat seconds later. Damn. He was still angry.

And took a long shower.

And overslept in the morning.

Then thought his apartment got cursed, because the wallpaper tore apart without him contributing destruction. He had no talent for that. No, rather a run of good luck.

"Taehyung, huh?" He remembered. The doll, who was standing with big puppy eyes in his living room. A very beautiful one with sinful curves.

Nah. He was too innocent looking, destroyed his wall.. was his neighbor, so he couldn't easily get rid of that person and already talked back sassily. This person required attention and work, he had no intention to invest in. Not his sort of prey.

So better stay away.

Hopefully that doll closed the door, locked it and threw away the key.

"Good morning." He greeted everyone charmingly, but distant. He was aware of his impact, and took a bath in the fangirling demeanor of many.


Taehyung sneezed loudly and set off a chain reaction of terrified yelling. He froze on the spot, while the group of children flinched startled and now were all over the place.

"S-sorry!" He recollected himself hesitantly, then heard first giggles. It made him smile, too.

"Taetae, you are really beautiful, but that sneeze was like a monster-!" One boy, around 7ish, said.

"More like a dinosaur!" Another boy denied.

"Dinosaurs can't sneeze!" A little girl with pigtails interrupted confidently.

"But they can! Dinosaurs are animals! Animals do sneeze! I know, because my cat sneezes!" The boy countered. Taehyung's smile grew into a bright, boxy one. He admired the carefree attitude of children, who were interested in the cutest things with full excitement. Oftentimes he could learn one or the other fact along, because they always excelled in their interests.

This group was not different.

"Dinosaurs are no animals!" The first boy yelled.

"They are!" The girl opposed.

"No! They are nothing!" The boy yelled again.

Taehyung lifted one of his eyebrows.

"How can they be nothing?" Another girl joined.

"They are nothing, because they are all dead!!!" The boy proudly announced and started laughing. It shifted the whole atmosphere, and Taehyung's mood did, too. He froze again.

"We don't joke about death!!" The girl with the pigtails put down her drawing brush, shocked.

"It's a lie! Their bones were found! So they are fossils, not nothing!!!" A third boy joined.

"Will they also think we are fossils, when people in the future find our bones, Taetae?" The youngest child wanted to know out of the blue.

Taehyung was completely lost.

He was giving art classes for a bunch of kids in the afternoons in a shared art space nearby his new home as additional income, but how and when did he miss the point where it went from sneezing to death?!

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