36- Hanging on by a Thread

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Calista's POV:
Last thing I remembered was Anakin picking me up and carrying me before the world went dark.

Rubbing my eyes, I had noticed that I was in Anakin's quarters and on his couch.

He must've been changing and had not realized that I was awake because I got a 5 star view of his abs and the rest of his body.

I couldn't help but stare, he was intoxicating.

A pillow had made contact with my head moments after. I guess he had caught me staring.

"What are you looking at?!" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"The shell of the man I fell in love with, Anakin." I responded as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"That name is dead to me!" He sneered.

I saw anger along with pain in his eyes.

"...did you mean it?" I asked him.

"Mean what?" He asked.

"When you said you wished you never met me"

I must've caught him off guard because he took a moment to think before he spoke.

"No" he responded, avoiding my gaze.

Maybe there was still an ounce of humanity left in him.

"Then why'd you say it?" I asked him.

He stared at me for a moment before turning away. He shook his head.

"This is stupid we have more important matters to attend to" he said. "We have to meet Darth sidious"

Wow Anakin way to avoid the question. I sighed as I got up to follow him down several hallways.

"Lord Vader your secret weapon has proven to be effective. The entire village was in flames within minutes!" Cheered Palpatine.

I had shot him a dirty look which he had chosen to inform apparently.

"Now then," Palpatine had motioned for some people to come in. "Take her to the lab and study her"

He had shooed me off as if I was nothing but a pawn in a game. Several stormtroopers had surrounded me to transport me to the lab.

I had glanced back at Anakin who had met my gaze for a brief moment before looking away.

Being poked and prodded by scientist was hell. Blood sample this, DNA sample that. Test this test that.

I sat there aimlessly while these people collected data on me and poked and stabbed me with various medical and lab tools.

Hours went by before I saw the doorknob turn. With anticipation I awaited someone new as I was getting tired of the same three people poking me with lab tools.

To my surprise, Anakin had entered the room.

"Lord Vader, to what do we owe you this visit?" Asked one of the scientists.

"I require the secret weapon" he responded.

Wow downgraded from Calista to the secret weapon. That's a new low.

"But we still need to run more tests!" Protested a scientist.

"Now!" Yelled Anakin, as the scientists put their arms up in defeat.

I had gotten up from the uncomfortable plastic seat and dragged my feet in the direction of Anakin.

For several minutes we had walked side by side in silence. I had glanced at him a few times only to notice his glance had been focused on whatever was up ahead.

"Wonder what your require me for" I rolled my eyes.

"I figured they ran enough tests on you anyway" he shrugged.

"Woah is that an ounce of humanity in lord Vader?" I smirked with a hint of sarcasm.

He immediately slammed my body into the wall.

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm, Calista" he narrowed his eyes at me.

Aaaaand the ounce of humanity was gone.

"You never answered my question" I managed to say despite the fear I felt in the current moment.

"Doesn't matter" he responded, releasing me from the wall spot.

For the rest of the walk back to his quarters neither of us spoke a word.

This time instead of using the force to hurl a pillow at me in a painful manner, he just tossed one at me and retired to his bed.

"Goodnight" I told him, which was met with a grunt.

I sighed and rolled over onto my side, causing my tears all to roll down onto one side.

I glanced back at a peaceful sleeping Anakin skywalker.

Maybe the Anakin I fell for was still there, deep down?

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now