33- Unexpected Revelations

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Calista's POV:
My body froze. It wouldn't move. Just the sight of him triggered a rush of memories through my head.

"Did you come here alone?" Asked Anakin with an emotionless manner.

"What? No hello or hi or anything?" I shrugged. "I bet grandpa over here would love to know how you know me" I winked, to Anakin's annoyance. Anakin almost turned bright red when the old man interjected.

"Lord Vader what is the meaning of this? Who is this rude girl?" He yelled.

"It's the anomaly" Anakin sighed. Lord Vader? Was that what he went by now?

"Her?" Old man was in shock.

"Yea grandpa put two and two together" I rolled my eyes which seemed to anger him.

"Silence! I am Darth sidious!" He yelled as lightning bolts shot from his hands straight at me.

Thankfully I was able to block his attack with fire.

"Anakin? What is all this?" I asked him. "Why did you call me?"

"I don't use that name anymore. I go by Darth Vader or lord Vader now." He responded with a stone cold glare.

"Okay lord Vader. Why did you call me?" I asked him.

"I want you to be on the right side of the war" he said.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I saw your ship leaving Kanto. I know you were working with the rebels. I want to show you the right wide of things and I hoped you would join me." He said.

I froze in my tracks. He SAW my ship leaving Kanto? So he KNEW I was there?

"Anakin I told you to only summon me if you were in trouble." I clenched my fists and turned away from him. "This seems to be a false call so I'll be on my way"

"Lord Vader do it!" I heard Darth sidious say.

I barely got a chance to take a step when I felt as if I was losing control of my own body.

Next thing you know my feet were off the ground and I was levitating. Not out of my own will though. I was being choked in the air. With the force?

It became harder and harder to breathe as I fought for my life. My airways struggled to brung air in and out. However this time I was facing both Anakin and Darth sidious but sidious had his arms by his sides. What shocked me was Anakin who was using the force to trap me like this.

I saw anger and pain in Anakin's eyes as the life was draining from my own. They burned a bright yellow with a hint of a tear in the corner of his eye.

And as if right on signal, the cruiser was boarded. I felt it in the force. I knew Obiwan was here. I knew damn well those were my people. Faint footsteps echoed in the hallways that gradually became louder and louder.

"Put her down!" Yelled Obiwan's voice. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him along with my friends running into the room and surrounding both Anakin and Darth sidious.

"Oh shit is that Palpatine?" Asked Pax. The old man had another name too? Apparently all Sith Lords had another name.

Eventually Anakin released me and my body collapsed on the ground with a thud.

The pain channeled through my body causing me to groan. The blood rushed to my head and the world momentarily the cane blurry. I was finally able to catch my breath, to my relief, but rolling over was rather painful.

"Obiwan?" Anakin glanced at him in shock which quickly turned into anger.

Out of nowhere Darth sidious cackled and shot lighting from his hands directly at my friends. They didn't even have a chance to grab their weapons to retaliate. I glanced over helplessly as he hit Pax, Keena, and Moe who immediately fell lifelessly to the ground.

"NO!" I screamed. I couldn't lose my friends. They couldn't be dead. They just couldn't.

"I'll take care of these prisoners" he cackled as he had stormtroopers come and take my unconscious friends. He then left with the stormtroopers, leaving Anakin obiwan and myself in one room.

"What the fuck!" I immediately yelled at Anakin. "Those are my friends!"

"Obiwan is your friend too?!" He yelled with anger in his eyes. This time a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

I glanced at Obiwan and back who's eyes widened.

Both of them circled me.

"Obiwan betrayed me! How could you betray me too?!" Anakin screamed with tears.

"If anything, you left ME!" I yelled back. "Leave Obiwan out of this!"

Both Anakin and Obiwan had taken out their lightsabers.

"Anakin you were seduced by the dark side!" Argued Obiwan.

"Nonsense! I have the power no Jedi could ever achieve!" He responded.

They kept circling each other until Anakin made the first move. Next thing you know it was a Jedi vs sith battle. They jumped off of walls and doors while their lightsabers clashed.

After a bit of light saber action, both were out of breath and were circling each other yet again.

I decided I had enough.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled to the surprise of both of them. "Leave Obiwan alone!"

Anakin firmly grasped his lightsaber as did Obiwan but this time I was in between them.

I held a protective arm in front of Obiwan which filled Anakin with rage.

"Why are you protecting him?" Screamed Anakin.

"Because he has not brought me harm!" I responded.

"You're hiding something Calista. You're not a very good liar" he claimed.

Dammit. What was it with force connected people and finding out I suck at lying? I guess it was one of my fatal flaws.

"Calista..." Anakin trailed off, briefly showing a moment of vulnerability. "Did something happen between you and Obiwan?"

"No" responded Obiwan even though I could tell her was lying through gritted teeth.

"Not anymore" I said before I realized what I had done. Both Obiwan and Anakin had stared at me in disbelief.

"Obi-wan what will your little council think of your encounter?" Anakin scoffed. "Isn't connection forbidden?"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now