26- Third Time's the Charm

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Calista's POV:
At this point he was sobbing, but I wasn't about to leave his side when he needed me the most.

"I wish I could've grown up with her" he said through tears.

"I know" I comforted him. I was giving him the biggest hug. "I'm so so sorry Pax. I'm sure she was an amazing mother and I know how much you miss her"

"I want to do this mission. I want to show her that I can handle dangerous missions." He turned to me. "Not every single Moreira has to die on Kanto. Third times the charm right?" He turned to me with hope in his eyes.

"If you're sure then I would be honored to have you aboard my ship Pax." I smiled at him and wiped his tears with my sleeve.

"Would you like to keep the letter or have us hold onto it?" Asked Obiwan.

"I would like to hold onto it" Pax sniffled.

Obiwan nodded as Pax tucked the letter into one of his pockets. The three of us made it back to join the others. Keena and Moe gave Pax and I worried glances until we all gathered around to discuss the plan.

"Pax are you sure you'll be okay?" Asked Moe.

Pax nodded. "This is something I need to do. For closure"

As a group, Keena Moe and I nodded.

The council explained our mission which was basically defeating the empire's troops and driving them out of Kanto, which was going to be difficult since we will be severely outnumbered.

"Best of luck!" Said Obiwan as the rest of the council waved at us as we left.

"Okay gang who's ready to blow some storm troopers into oblivion!" I asked.

Keena fist bumped me and Moe gave me a thumbs up. Pax had a determined look on his face as he sat in the copilot seat.

"I will avenge her if it's the last thing I do" he said as we buckled in and prepared for liftoff.

"We'll be there by your side" I reassured him.

He gave me a half smile.

"Setting course for Kanto" said A6.

After a bit of a bumpy she turbulent ride the planet was finally in our vicinity.

"We're here!" I told the crew as we made a (somewhat) smooth landing.

"Grab everything you need." Pax said.

Keena, Moe and Pax grabbed their blasters, while Moe also grabbed a sniper rifle and Pax slid a dagger into his boot.

Hearing the sound of rocks being put in a bag, I turned to see Keena putting rocks into a pouch.

"And what would you need those for?" I asked.

"I might look dumb" she threw her hands up in defeat. "But these sometimes make the best distraction."

I gave her a smile as she grabbed a few grenades and smoke bombs to take along.

We exited my ship with enough weapons to take down a damn solar system. Okay no that was an exaggeration. I hope we have enough to do what needs to be done here.

"Aren't you going to use your cloaking device?" Pax asked. I clicked a little button on my ship keys which made my ship appear invisible to the average viewer.

Over the hill, storm troopers patrolled the base like a parasite. There were so many of them. Like a disease.

I felt sick to my stomach as I came to the realization I could sensed another presence in the force. It couldn't have been any of my friends or any of the storm troopers since they do not have a connection to the force

"Can you get a clear shot?" I whispered to Moe.

"There's too many of them" he responded.

Keena unclipped a grenade from her belt.

"I can get most of em with this!" She cheered.

"Um Keena u already pulled the pin..." Moe's eyes widened.

"Oh fuck!" She screamed as she quickly threw the grenade at the cluster of storm troopers. Thankfully it went off in the crowd of storm troopers and not behind the ledge where we were.

"Any left?" Asked Pax.

"Just a few" said Moe.

"We have to call for backup!" One of the storm troopers reached for his radio, and clicked the little button before he spoke.

Before he could even say anything, Moe pulled the trigger and that trooper toppled to the ground. There were still two left but at this point Pax and Keena  took off running as she threw a smoke bomb and grabbed her blaster. Pax grabbed his as well.

I turned to Moe.

"Stay here for a little bit and then once we get past the control room I'll give you a radio signal to join us." I told him.

Moe nodded as I jumped down to join Pax and Keena who had taken care of the last two troopers.

"Who knew I'd be on a more serious mission than stealing snacks from the market?" Pax joked, but I could tell he was nervous.

"Cmon Keena you got this! Jam the entry keypad!" I cheered her on. But quietly. Because who knew if there were more troopers out there. There obviously were but that wasn't my biggest concern.

The presence in the force made me feel sick to my stomach, as I was not ready to face Anakin at this point. I was hoping it wasn't him and some other person with a connection to the force.

Once Keena jammed the entry keypad the door finally slid open to reveal the republics worst nightmare.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu