29 - Mental Panic Room

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Calista's POV:
My arms were still shaking from that almost encounter. My hands were trembling. I could barely hold up a cup of water.

Pax and A6 took over the navigation since I was in no place to pilot the ship. Keena sat by my side.

"What happened in there?" She asked me.

"I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting, but I saw him." Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Did he see you?"

"No... but he probably sensed me with the force. Same way I sense he was there." I responded.

"Hey hey atleast he didnt see you though," she gave me a hug. "On the bright side, we just saved a supply base from empire rule!"

"I guess..." I sighed. "I just wasn't ready to see him."

"Girl we got to take you out for a good time to get your mind off of things!" Keena cheered.

How was I supposed to feel about pulling off a mission just so I could get republic help to find Anakin when I wasn't even ready to face him? My mind confuses me sometimes.

When we got back, the council greeted us as Keena filled them in on what had happened.

"I held up my end of the deal where's yours?" I asked.

"Calista we have coordinates on Anakin's last known location" responded Obiwan. "However last time one of ours was over there he was not there"

I sighed. With a new found determination in my eyes I stormed out of the building.

"I- what?" Obiwan was probably confused. I didn't care.

However my friends followed.

"Calista what was that all about?" Asked Pax.

"Yea are you okay?" Added Moe.

"I think we need an intervention!" Said Keena.

We all turned to her as if she was crazy. She returned the look.

"Calista this man is still living in your head rent free and I'm calling for an intervention! To hell with him! We need to get your mind off of him!" She responded.

Pax and Moe shrugged and next thing you know we were exploring the area.

Streets, shops, even people blurred past me as my friends were talking and cheering and holding my arm. At some point I even tuned them out.

For a brief moment I thought I saw a familiar face. My life flashed before my eyes because I thought I saw him.

I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times and looked over to the same spot and realized there was no one there. The thought of him haunted me. It made my skin crawl.

"Yea okay im definitely going crazy" I told my friends.

"Well if you're going so are we!" Keena joked.

"What exactly do you suggest we do?" Asked Pax. "And I don't wanna get in trouble with the Jedi so nothing crazy crazy"

"Okay fine just crazy not crazy crazy" Keena joked.

For once I felt like the Moe of the group. I glanced over at him to see him fidgeting with a random napkin.

Next thing you know we went to eat and then we walked around with no destination in mind. While they were exploring the streets I was busy exploring my mind. My emotions.

Normally stuff like that helped me get my mind off of things. But I felt numb. Numb to the world around me despite how much fun my friends were having.

Eventually, we returned back to the council building since they gave us a place to stay for the night. My friends headed straight to their rooms but something held me back.

After wandering around for a bit, I decided to head out. I almost made it to the door when I heard a voice.

"Calista?" It asked. I turned around to see Obiwan.

"What?" I threw my hands up on the air in defeat.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it" i rolled my eyes and made one step closer to the exit.

"Calista you can't just bar hop and drink away your problems!" Yelled Obiwan.

"Watch me."

They all assumed I was just going to the next closest bar.

I had other plans.

But this is something I needed to do alone. For myself.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now