1- Not again

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(No I'm not jumping right  into the anakin x oc juicy stuff there's gotta be buildup lol also bear with me I haven't written fanfiction in years)
not again.

I told myself I didn't care for the war or who was on what side but I just HAD to get involved. All I wanted was to leave and continue my peaceful life of traveling on another planet.

However I felt a disturbance in the force- there were two people using the force to fight each other on this planet and it was disrupting the planet as a whole. I had a strange connection to the force, as I was neither with nor jedi however I have access to many of its powers.

There comes a time in each person's life when they end up on a wanted list. Or when someone set out a bounty for me cuz I'm a wanted anomaly on both sides of the force.
Or maybe just mine.

A huge chunk of rock fell into the lava pit across from the cave entrance I had parked my ship in.

Screams and insults were being thrown around like a goddamn hot potato.

Yet another planet in shambles due to the stupid war. Fires consume the building structures that were once part of a society, while I started gathering my things and preparing to leave.

A piece of lava was flung in my direction and barely missed me, hitting the back of the cave and burning a hole through it.

I may not be here for much longer but I decided to investigate where that came from.

Coming out from hiding, I saw the building structure above me crumble into pieces and fall into the lava pit. Into nothingness. A building hat once stood proud and tall was no longer there.

On a piece of floating debri I noticed two men fighting with light sabers. The jedi. I remember a while back I had stolen one of their fun little light up swords from a ship i scavenged for parts and supplies. It was a useful thing but I wasn't 100% sure how to use it.

I grabbed my stolen light saber just in case and ran out of my cave.

"Hey could you two keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here!" I shouted at the two jedis who looked at me like I had just said something bizarre.

"Not sure how you plan on sleep when this planet is falling apart" said the bearded one. The one with the dirty blonde wavy curly hair ignored me and kept his focus on the bearded one.

"Maybe you should consider why mustafar is falling apart?!" I shouted. "Or does that not matter to you, Obi-wan?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" He replied.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," I smirked as the two confused Jedi looked at each other as if I was a madman. The wavy haired one finally turned to look at me.

"We're kinda I'm the middle of something!" He yelled, with anger in his eyes. I also saw pain and confusion though, so he seemed like he was fighting battles of his own aside from this one.

"Will do, Anakin skywalker!" I gave him a goofy salute and was about to turn around to leave when a piece of rock had grazed my shoulder. I slowly turned around to see the two Jedi had hopped over to the large piece of rock I was standing on.

"It's you isn't it?" Obi-wan said. "The anomaly"

My eyes widened. Now was the perfect time to leave.

I never cared for the war so I always stayed out of it. Or atleast tried to. Besides, I didn't even know which side I would even be on.

Regardless, I would have to planet jump once again.

Planet jumping was honestly a tradition for me at this point as I never truly belonged anywhere. I was always considered the 'anomaly' and was afraid of my power getting into the wrong hands.

I'm sick and tired of only being seen as an anomaly and powerful being. I'm human too.

Rage filled my body as I screamed. I raised my arms and lava followed my movement.

Well that's a new one.

A wall of lava covered my entire back side, as of the area behind me was a lava wall.

"YOU WILL LEAVE NOW AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled, to their shock.

Thankfully they left me be and went back to their battle on random debri.

Holy crap I never thought I'd be able to do that with my connection to the force- it's always just been useless parlor tricks.

After several deep breaths, I gathered all of stuff, including my droids and prepared to get the hell out of here.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now