8- A Dividing Battle

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At first Anakin was hesitant to dance on what we decided was the dance floor, but eventually he started moving a bit.

I held both his hands as my hips swayed to the beat.

Moe was vibing out while Pax made himself the star of the dance floor. Keena started going around getting people up to dance. She actually managed to convince a few others to join the dance floor.

I had Anakin twirl me as I gave him a goofy smile. My cloak twirled with me. He gave me a half smile back as we continued to move to the beat.

Keena had a whole crowd going at this point, if you can call 10 people a crowd. Next thing you know a circle was forming. Keena initiated it and was the center of attention. She then pulled Pax into the circle who took the spotlight.

In a moment Pax locked eyes with me and reeled me into the middle of the circle. Instead of letting me take the spotlight he danced with me. After a little bit I pushed Pax away and swayed to the beat, busting my own moves. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Anakin's eyes following my every movement and I smiled back at him.

Later on, the crowd started to head out so we decided to leave as well. Keena pulled me aside.

"We'll catch up to you boys" she stuck her tongue out at them. "I gotta tell her all about boy stuff"

Pax and Moe rolled their eyes.

As the girls lingered behind, the boys started to make their way towards the rooftop where the gang would normally hangout.

Pax pulled Anakin aside.

"Who are you?" He asked Anakin.

"I'm Anakin" he responded.

Well what did you expect Pax? With that kinda question?

"I DONT know what she sees in you" he put two fingers to his temple. "What is it about you?"

"I don't understand" responded Anakin.

"She never takes in strangers like that. What makes you so special?" He narrows his eyes at Anakin.

"I'd tell you if I knew" responded Anakin in a calm manner.

Oof Pax, jealousy is not a good look on you.

"If you hurt her you're a dead man" Pax sneered. "She sees something in you. That she doesn't see in me." He sighed.

He gave Anakin what he believed to be a friendly nudge, however he hit Anakin's chest with his shoulder a bit too hard, which made Anakin grab his chest from pain. He narrowed his eyes at Pax but didn't do anything.

We met back up with the boys after Keena finished telling me about the guys she met and did stuff with over the weekend. She knew the boys didn't care for her adventures with other men as it bored them.

Moe looked at my waistband.

"A blaster and a lightsaber?" He looked puzzled.

"Can never be too prepared" I assured him.

"Woah that's a real life light saber!" Exclaimed Pax.

I grabbed it from my waistband to show the others.

"The blue matches your eyes!" Noted Keena.

Pax grabbed my lightsaber and moved it around.
"Woah this thing is sick"

He then pointed it at Anakin.
"You and me. Let's go"

"Pax are you serious?" I yelled at him. "Why do you have to challenge every newcomer to a duel with a weapon that's not even yours?!"

"Cmon Pax chill out!" Added Keena.

"You know what? No. You've been purposely pissing me off all night. And for what?!" Anakin responded. "Because your little crush doesn't like you back?!"

Pax narrowed his eyes as his grip on my light saber tightened. Anakin had his own, which he took out. Both boys glared at each other as they stood there.

Keena, Moe and I took a few steps back. The two stood for another moment before Pax made the first move, causing Anakin to defend himself.

"I can't watch" said Moe, who turned away.

This wasn't a fair fight. Anakin wasn't at his full health and he was missing an arm. While Anakin did a good job of defending himself, Pax managed to add to his scratches and wounds, causing Anakin to flinch.

Pax jumped from building to building while Anakin stayed on the ground. The two flight each other for about another 10 minutes when I decided it was enough. I stepped in between the two of them.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled. Both were panting and holding their lightsabers. "Pax I want my saber back. You went too far"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Responded Pax.

"What it means, is you challenge someone to a fight when you clearly have the unfair advantage. That's wrong. And you're using MY lightsaber." I yelled at him. That caused him to back off while I helped Anakin to his feet.

The moment Anakin was stable on his feet, he just walked away clutching his side.

Keena turned to me.

"We'll see ya next time," she glanced at Anakin. "Go make sure he's okay. I'll be sure to yell at Pax for you." She runs off with the boys.

Anakin limped away to some random field area.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

No response. I was worried so i followed him to whoever we he went.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now