14- Life Line

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Calista's POV:
I stormed over to the meeting spot I was supposed to meet Sid in.

I practically shoved the stupid egg into his hands.

"Now where's my ship part?" I asked him. I kind of half expected him to betray me but he handed me a box which had what I needed inside.

"Thanks" I said and took the box back with me to the ship.

When I got back, I called out my droids who immediately started repairing my ship.

The ship felt oddly empty. Like there was something missing. I glanced back out to see my droids working on the ship.

In my sleeping quarters I saw the blanket and pillow on the couch and I sat on the floor burying my head in my hands.

I've gotten too used to having Anakin on board. And living rent free in my head. Now I understood what that droid meant when it said I had a weakness.

It was him.

I couldn't pinpoint his exact location, I'm not a navigation system, but I could sense his presence on this planet.

No. I wasn't going to chase after this man anymore. If he wanted me he could come to me.

And as of it was right on cue, I heard a knocking noise outside my ship.

Making my way down to the entrance, I put a hand on my blaster and cautiously opened the door to see a speaking wet man.

Not just any man.

Without even thinking, I ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. I felt safe being back in his warm embrace.

The rain poured Like hell but I didn't care. I let it all trickle down my body as I held his close.

You'd think a desert like planet wouldnt have rain right ?

After a moment we both walked inside my ship.

I avoided his gaze.

"Why did you come back?" I asked him.

"I want to apologize" he said. I turned to him.

We both sat along the hallway of the ship as he put his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you and abandoning you" he said.

"I'm sorry too." I said

"What for?" He asked.

"For being too harsh. Maybe we won't always agree on things but that doesn't give me the excuse to be an asshole back to you" I responded

He gave me a smile.
"I'm glad we're on good terms again" he scratched the back of his head.

I smiled at him.

"How about we get you your arm back?" I smiled at him. He smiled back. We headed over to the medical room as I prepared to restore his left arm.

After that whole process, I applied the plasma jelly to my left arm.

He wiggled his fingers and bent his arm.

"Holy crap I have my arm back!" He exclaimed. He then smiled at me.

He was so cute when he was happy and excited about something.

I enveloped him in my embrace, holding him close.

I decided to set course for the next planet so I called DD-9 over.

"DD-9, set course for the nearest planet that's out of the war zone and has people on it."

"Yes miss" responded DD-9. 

"Actually DD-9, its Calista." The droid nodded.

"Yes Calista" it responded and rolled away.

"Calista" he said and smiled at me. "So that's your name"

"Yea" i twirled a piece of my hair. I didn't have the guts to tell him I picked a name off of a bottle of alcohol in that bar on Tatouine.

"It's a beautiful name" he said.

I turned 50 shades of red, except this time in front of him. I noticed he shivered and then I realized we were still in the medical room.

I took his hand and led him back to my sleeping quarters. He happily followed. I flopped down on my bed and he sat down next to me.

"Okay I gotta ask- what was your first impression of me?" I looked up at him.

"Well uh," he started. "I mean you saved my life so I guess at first I saw you as an Angel. And then you helped me become me again. And I'm forever grateful for that" he said.

"Aww" I blushed. But then I wiggled my eyebrows. "Anything else?" I teased him.

"Oh yea" he smiled. "You're hot as hell" he winked.

I don't think he expected this next part but I grabbed a pillow and whacked him with it.

"Hey what was that for?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Pillow fight!" I screamed. He hit me back with a pillow.

I stood up on the bed and sent a pillow in his direction.

Feathered exploded all over his face. A pillow flung in my direction knocked me down.

"Damn you're really competitive!" I joked.

The look of determination in his face had my knees weak.

The next pillow he threw had knocked me down to my knees.

But somehow I didn't wanna get up. Him towering over me just made me feel some kind of way...

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now