3- One step at a time

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I sighed. How was I supposed to answer that?

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" I said. "And for me to find out as well" I mumbled. Thankfully he didn't hear that last part.

I had a strange connection to the force, which differed from both the Jedi and the sith. I myself didnt understand it but I wanted to help him.

Most of his face was burned and majority of his hair was gone as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I thought back to that injured porg I found limping around my ship about a year ago. I remembered holding it in my arms as I placed my hand on it's broken leg. I channeled the force through myself to fix up its leg. However that took a decent amount of energy from me.

I looked back at Anakin and took a deep breath. Here goes my energy.

"There's something I can try." I told him and proceeded to pick him up and take him out of the plasma and place him on a table. I gently placed a hand on his forehead and the other one on his neck.

With deep breaths, she focused all of her energy on him. She had one hand on his head and the other on his neck. She closed her eyes.

Then all of a sudden she opened her eyes and a bright white light shot out of both eyes.

Little by little, his hair was growing back and his skin was reverting to the way it was on both his face and his neck.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as her eyes continued to glow a bright white and her hands started to turn red. It's almost as if her hands looked burnt.

Collapsing to the ground, her eyes reverted back to her original icy blue. Her hands were red swollen and burnt. At this point a singular tear rolled down her right cheek.

Out of shock, Anakin propped himself up using what was left of his robotic arm and looked into the mirror to see that he had his old face and neck back.

He then looked down at the floor to see that she had collapsed. Her hands matched what his face had looked like after the lava burn

The room was spinning. I felt like I was everywhere and nowhere all at once.

"Hello?" I heard an echo in the room. I knew it was him because there was no one else on this ship besides and a few of my droids.

I guess it was my fault for absorbing his burns because now both of my arms felt the intense burning.

Out of the corner I saw him looking at himself in the mirror and mouthing the words 'how'

~a little bit later~

At this point I managed to gather enough strength to grab the edge of the table with one hand. Then the other. And pull myself up.

My arms were burning but I had get up. I had to land my ship somewhere for the night.

I was finally on my feet but my legs were shaking.

I look up to see him look me right in the eyes.

"What the hell did you do?!" He asked me with a surprised look on his face.

"I channeled the force through myself and absorbed your pain. Therefore I was able to restore part of your previous form." I sighed. "I've only ever done this once before."

"But why did you collapse?" He asked.

"Because it takes a lot of energy out of me despite using the force." I responded.

He nodded in understanding.

For the first time, I felt myself get lost in his blue eyes. They were like little skies or droplets of water and it made me feel at peace.

He closed his eyes for a moment and that's what brought me back. Guess I should I thank him for snapping me out of it.

One of my droids rolled up to me.
"Where to?" It asked me.

"Find an inhabitable planet in the unknown regions." I told DD-9 who promptly rolled away and started entering coordinates.

I looked down, hoping Anakin wouldn't notice the blush on my cheeks. I started making my way out of the room when I was stopped at the doorway.

"Hey," he said. I turned around to face him. "Thank you"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now