22- An Unorthodox Deal

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Narrators POV:
If anything, Calista knew how to make an entrance. I mean kicking down the door to a little cafe definitely has to count for something. But almost destroying an entire planet is a whole new level. Her ship turned and swerved at almost every given moment, and often she was inches away from civilians or buildings.

One little boy even flew across the street when Calista's ship passed by. Building swayed side to side before returning to their original position. I'm just surprised she didn't destroy anything in her path.

NOTE: in this timeline Coruscant is not completely destroyed or abandoned however order 66 has been executed.

Calista's POV:
It was actually quite frustrating navigating my way around this planet, as there were buildings and people and aliens and traffic everywhere. Not sure how Obiwan navigated this hellhole so effortlessly.

His ship made swift twists and turns until he finally landed his ship.

I sped right past the landing platform, but managed to back myself up.

What I didn't account for was my speed, as I slammed my ship into a platform and went skidding for another 100 feet until my ship came to a full stop.

Since I didn't park (or crash land) too far from Obiwan, I walked over to where he was standing.

"What in the heck was that noise?" Asked some strange alien life form looking thing. He had these really long slicked back horns. In a way they kindof looked like tentacles.

I guess I made quite the entrance since several people were outside to greet us. They all had light sabers. They were probably the Jedi council Obiwan told me about.

"Obiwan who is this?" Asked another

I threw up jazz hands which caused several members to grip their light sabers at their belts as if I was some sort of threat.

"Surprise surprise I'm the anomaly!" I exclaimed.

They were not amused.

"There's no way.." said one member.

"It can't be" said another.

"Obiwan you must be out of your mind!" Yelled another.

Then all of a sudden they moved aside to make a pathway for a little green alien thing with funky ears.

"Strong with the force she is," he reached his hand out in my direction. "But a Jedi she is not"

"Yoda there has to be some sort of mistake!" Said another council member.

The one with the slicked back horn like things on his head circled me and looked me up and down.

"How pray tell did you capture this anomaly, Obiwan?" he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I wasn't captured." I narrowed my eyes at him. "I came here on my own terms. I want to work out a deal."

One of the council members beckoned us all inside, so we made our way inside the building. They led me to some room where they had seats all set up in a circle.

I awkwardly stood in the center of the circle.

"State your case." One of the members spoke.

I took a deep breath.

"I am willing to help you with whatever you need on the condition that you help me find Anakin." I spoke.

Several council members turned to talk to each other.

"Anakin Skywalker? What could you possibly want with him?" Asked a council member.

"Listen that is my personal business. I will help you with whatever as long as you leave Anakin to me. That is all I ask"

The members of the council said some things, mumbled some others, until Obiwan turned to me.

"Calista we need a moment to discuss your terms if you would kindly leave the room"

I nodded and gave him a half smile as I made my way out of their room. Closing the door, I leaned my back against the wall until I slid down to my butt.

The ground was cold and hard but was the only seating option I saw nearby. I didn't want to wander too far and get lost.

I heard bits a pieces of what the members had said through the wall.

"How's that a good thing?"

"Why should we give her Anakin? What's her motive?"

"How do we know we can trust her? She's a morally gray area"

"What choice do we have? The republic is falling apart!" 

Moments later one of the council members opened the door for me and gestured for me to enter.

"Calista we have come to a mutual agreements that we believe would benefit both parties" said one of the members.

"We will help you locate Anakin Skywalker on the condition that you help free one of our supply bases and that you let us do research on you in our lab. However you will need your own crew for the supply base as it is too risky to send a council member into empire territory." Said Obiwan.

I guess getting poked at like a lab rat was worth finding Anakin in the end. Whether I choose to destroy him in battle or in bed was another decision I will save for later.

"I know exactly where to assembly my crew"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now