32-Wherever You go I'll Be Your Shadow

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Anakin's POV:
I knew what I had to do. I wasn't sure if i had the strength to do it, but darth sidious was giving me a hopeful look.

"Come on lord Vader if you can summon the anomaly do so as it will give us a great advantage" said Darth sidious. "The republic will be no more"

I felt conflicted because when I left her I told her to not get herself involved in the war. For her own good. I would hate to see her get hurt.

Memories of her rushed through my head.

How she had saved me. I basically owe my life to her.

How she brought me out with her friends and included me. A stranger she saved.

The kiss in the closet on tatouine. When she saved my ass from Jabba. When she took me back after I stormed off. Exploring new places and creating new memories.

Even the more sexual memories flooded my mind as my mind wandered her body. Or a memory of it.

She had a big heart and part of me is forever grateful to her and what she had done for me.

However after sensing her through the force and seeing her ship leave Kanto, I feel she might be fighting for the wrong side.

Maybe by summoning her I could turn her to my side. The right side. And we could be powerful. Rule side by side.

Calista's POV:
Former prisoners started to storm the halls and I had to push through several people and creatures to get to my friends who enveloped me in a hug.

"Not to ruin the moment but the alarm is going off and we should probably leave" said Obiwan. I nodded and we ran through the crowd.

"Thank you strange woman!" Cheered one of the prisoners. Another one high fived me as we made our escape.

Thankfully we were able to sneak past the remaining stormtroopers and get back to Obiwan's ship.

After we made it back to coruscant, I was given Anakin's last known coordinates.

"I think I'm ready to face him" I took a deep breath and my friends nodded.

"You're not going alone" said Pax.

"Yea we're here for you" added Keena.

Moe nodded. Obiwan stepped forward.

"I'll come too" he added.

Out of nowhere, my world started spinning. The world became blurry, leading me to close my eyes.

But just for a second.

I heard my name. From a familiar voice. A bittersweet one.


The way my name just rolled off his tongue made me shiver.

He actually tried to reach me through the force?

He probably needs me. But I shouldn't. Especially after we left things.

But then again I also told him how to summon me. So it felt like I was obligated to help him if he called for me.

Opening my eyes, I saw four concerned faces.

"Calista what was that?" Asked Keena.

"Yea you almost passed out" added Pax.

"He called my name." I answered.

"What?" Asked Moe.

"He summoned me" I responded.

"You can do that with the force?" Questioned Obiwan.

"Apparently." I responded. "Though this is the first time someone has summoned me through the force."

I stormed off.

"Calista where are you going?" Asked Pax.

"He called me so I'm going to see him." I responded.

"But I thought we were coming with?" Said Pax.

"Take another ship. It'll look suspicious if I went with the whole crew"

Pax nodded and relayed that information to the rest, who piled inside of Obiwan's ship.

And next thing you know the coordinates were set. A6 and DD-9 were my only passengers this time.

I wonder why he chose to summon me now of all times. Was he in some sort of trouble? Or did he possibly miss me?

The thought of him took over my mind. The way he would look at me. The things he would do. I melted in my seat.

"Calista!" A6 brought my out of my trance. I had almost crashed into several asteroids. Oops. A6 panicked and started copiloting to make the ride smoother.

Glancing at the coordinates and back in front of me, I saw a massive ship.

"These were the coordinates that Obiwan gave right?" I asked my droids.

"Yes that is correct, Calista" responded A6.

I glanced up at the massive cruiser and circled it from a distance in an attempt to find a place to land.

Eventually I found an oddly convenient spot where I landed. It was strange. It felt off. There were no troopers or droids or quite frankly any other ships in this spot. Almost as if they were expecting me.

I got off my ship, thoroughly locking it and turning on the protective barrier in case the empire tried anything.

I bathed through a door only to end up in a hallway. These hallways were full of stormtroopers and they acted as if I was invisible.

Okay something was definitely off. Eventually after making many turns I ended up in a larger room which seemed to be the front navigation area of the cruiser.

And next thing you know I was face to face with a menacing old man in a robe and a man in a black helmet with a black suit and cape.

The man with the black helmet to reveal a familiar face. My jaw dropped as I said,


A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now