7- A Game of Revelations

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Now keep in mind this is a cafe and not a bar. I feel that I need to make the clear before I continue.

Ah, home sweet home.
Well not quite.

It was just a usual hangout spot we all chose for some reason I can't remember. The man behind the counter wasn't happy with the fact that we were all here.

But he knew damn well he couldn't kick us out because he owed me big time. I practically saved his mothers life so in exchange for that, I received immunity from getting banned from the cafe.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not some Asshole that purposely would make this man's life a living hell, but my friends and I can be a bit loud at times.

Keena was already racing Pax to our usual spot, which was a 4 couch circle with a little table in the back. I let them run ahead as I pulled up a couch seat for Anakin.

I was about to take the seat next to Anakin's but Pax decided to steal that spot so I ended up sitting between Pax and Keena.

"Okayyyy it's tradition time!" Keena exclaimed. Moe and Pax groaned.

Anakin gave me a confused look.
"They mean truth or dare" I looked back at him and gave him a warm friendly smile.

"I'll start!" Keena jumped. She scanned the little 5 person circle. Her gaze landed on Anakin. "New guy. Truth or dare?"

He looked at me for a second before he said "dare".

Pax looked at him. "Someone's a big shot" he joked. Anakin ignored him.

"I dare you to steal that man's cupcake!" Keena said as she pointed to the most muscular man im the cafe. Anakin sighed.

He made his way over to that man's table and quickly swiped his cupcake and made his way back to the table. He placed the cupcake in front of Keena.

She nodded in approval. Anakin kinda just say there before Keena said something.

"Anakin you're supposed to ask the next person truth or dare! And then h can ask them to do or answer anything" She giggled.

Anakin scanned the circle and his gaze landed on Pax.
"Truth or dare?" He asked him. It didn't take long for Pax to answer.

"Dare." Pax narrowed his eyes.

Anakin took a second to think. "Steal someone's keys and drop it in someone else's pocket" he said.

Pax smirked. "Easy." He went up to the muscular man from before and stole his keys, dropping them off at the table with the arrogant dude with the funny looking cowlick.

He returned and took his place between me and anakin. He then turned to me.

"Magic hands, truth or dare?"

I took a second to think. I decided to break the dare streak.


Pax smiled a little too hard with this one.
Oh no. I knew exactly what he was going to ask.

"Fuck marry kill. Me, Moe, and this guy" he pointed at Anakin when he said 'this guy'.

I scratched the back of my head. I could tell Anakin never really played this game because he seemed very confused.

"Kill Moe," I turned to Moe. "Sorry buddy"

Pax sighed in relief. "Go on" he said.

I glanced at Anakin and back at Pax. Both were eagerly awaiting my answer even though they were both basically left with the good answers. I mean I kinda felt bad for Moe, but also it was just a game so I dont think he took it to heart.

"Fuck Anakin and marry pax" I smirked at Pax who was pretty much expecting that answer anyway.

I glanced at Moe who hadn't gone yet.
"Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Truth" he responded.

Hmm this was a tough one because I already knew so much about him.

"If you could streaks anyones droid in this cafe whos would you steal?"

He scanned the room.

"The one the big muscular cupcake man has. That droid goes for alot on the market" he responded.

After a few more rounds of truth or dare it was finally my turn again and this time I chose dare. Somehow Pax had been the one to ask me yet again so I awaited what dare he would come up with.

He looked strait at me.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this circle" he smirked.

Why did I have to choose dare? I scanned our little circle. My eyes locked with Anakin's.

This was not the response Pax was expecting. I walked over to Anakin and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and sat down red faced.

"Not the answer u were expecting huh Pax?" Keena playfully punched his arm. Pax rolled his eyes.

Keena turned to the little band in the other corner of the cafe and screamed HIT IT and they started playing dancing music.

Keena and the boys were already up dancing. Anakin just sat there. I offered him my hand.

"Can I have this dance?"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now