38- Twin Sunsets

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Calista's POV:
As much as I loved being able to wake up in Anakin's arms again, it did not excuse what had happen.

I was about to leave the bed and retire to the couch when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait where are you going?" Anakin had asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"Out of here. You can keep being a pawn of the empire if you choose but I'm done with this place."

A sad expression had formed on his face.

"You're leaving?" He asked.

"It's for the best. After what you had said and to me I don't want to be here anymore. You can join me if you wish, or you could stay as a puppet of the empire. The choice is yours" I told him.

"Wait," he started. "Calista I'm so sorry for the things I've said and done to hurt you. I didn't mean any of it. I guess I was blinded by power" he sighed.

"Thank you" i told him

"I'll leave with you" he said, to my surprise.

"But aren't you lord Vader or something don't you have a Galaxy to conquer?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Screw all of that! Palpatine brain washed me." He responded. "I'd rather start over with you. Do it right"

This brought tears to my eyes, but they were happy tears. I enveloped him in a hug that he immediately returned.

"So how do we escape off this dumpster?" I joked.

"Let's just steal one of the ships in the landing bay" responded Anakin.

"You're thinking like me. I love it" I smiled as I tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"Let's not forget my ship is still parked somewhere here. I want my prized possession back thank you very much"

"Then let's get it back" as we smiled mischievously at each other.

"It shouldn't be hard to sneak around- after all they still think we're pawns of the empire" i snickered as we made our way out of his quarters. Or Anakin's former quarters, I should say.

We ran through several hallways like young dumb and stupid kids until we finally reached where they were keeping my ship. Surprisingly no guards or anyone watching my ship. We both ran and boarded my ship immediately.

"Ah it's so nice to be back" I took a deep breath and plopped down into the pilot seat. My droids greeted me with joy.

Anakin raised his eyebrow.

"Can i take the wheel for this one?" He asked.

"For our escape from the empire? Where do you have in mind?" I asked him as I moved over to the copilot seat.

"You'll see" he said as he turned on the controls and pressed the necessary buttons.

And we were off. Bye bye empire and sincerely fuck you for the shitty memories.

After a bit of flying and a jump to hyperspace we were finally approaching an oddly familiar planet.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"A place special to me. I remember earlier on you took me to a planet that meant a lot to you. Now I want to show you a planet special to me"

We landed on a sandy planet.

"Are we on tatouine?" I asked.

"Yup. It's my home planet" he responded.

"Aww look at you bringing me back to the place you grew up in!" I beamed.

"There's this one spot in particular I wanted to show you" he said as he led me off to a remote cliff.

"Ah death by cliff what a classic!" I joked.

"What?! No!" He responded and put his arm around me as we sat down.

"I screwed up last time but this time I wanna do it right." He turned to look me in the eyes.

"I guess the force brought me to you" I have him a half smile. "Or maybe it brought you back to me"

"The sunset on this planet is one of the most beautiful sights. There are many suns but do you see those two? Those in particular are known as the twin suns since they set and rise together. " he started. "But the sight is not as beautiful as you"

I felt my cheeks burning up as I turned redder than a tomato.

"You're cute as hell you know that?!" I playfully poked him in the nose.

"Let's start over...on the right note"

I nodded in agreement.

Next thing you know, I climbed on top of him, purposely blocking the view of the twin sunsets.

"Hi Anakin. It's nice to meet you," I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'm Calista"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now