5- A Pleasant Surprise

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Anakin's POV:
She collapsed right on top of me. I really hoped she was still alive...

In a moment, one of her droids appeared with that weird plasma jelly stuff and applied it to her legs.

I couldn't imagine the pain she was going through. Wait actually I can because she absorbed a portion of my pain. I was shivering and I assumed she would be cold too so I called over the other droid and asked it to bring a blanket.

"You better not try any funny business!" Yelled the droid she normally referred to as A6.

"Dont plan on it" I rolled my eyes at the droid who fetched a blanket.

I rolled the girl off of me and to my right. She couldn't have been much older than me. Sweat lined her forehead which caused her light brown hair to stick to her face.

I never really got a chance to take a good look at her before but I noticed she had a streak of blue in her hair. Her hair was parted at the middle and on the right side she had a thin strip of blue hair that framed the right side of her face. I gathered the hair that stuck to her face and tucked it behind her ear. She looked so peaceful despite the fact the was probably in pain.

The droid finally appeared with a blanket which I used to cover us both. She was out cold. Finally, I drifted off to sleep.

The last thing I remembered from last night was his face, but I woke up by his side.

Did we-?

I looked up at him. Some of my favorite features of his included his jawline, his messy wavy curly dirty blonde hair, his blue eyes.

Ya know I wouldn't mind if we had-

"Are you okay?" He interrupted. I hope he didn't notice me staring...

I glanced down my feet and realized we didn't DO anything. The plasma jelly had melted off, since it had done its job and the lower half of my legs were restored. I looked to see that he now also had his legs back.

"Yea," I started. "What exactly happened last night?"

"You collapsed after restoring my legs and I asked for one of your droids to bring a blanket" he responded.

"Oh okay." I sat up and ran my hand through my hair in an attempt to fix it.

Suddenly I heard banging on my door. I placed a blaster in my belt just in case. I turned to Anakin.

"Stay here". I ordered him. He just sat there.

I made my way towards the door and I put one hand on my blaster and used the other to open the door.

"Woah woah woah buddy why u pulling a blaster on us?" Asked a voice. A familiar voice.

I opened my eyes to see familiar faces. Putting my blaster away I ran and hugged all 3 of them. The purple haired girl and the slightly shorter blonde haired boy stepped back as the tall brown haired boy picked me up.

"Well if it isn't magic hands!" He exclaimed after picking me up.

"Of course YOU call me that, Pax!" I laughed at the tall boy. He always threw jokes around and was the group comedian.

"It's been so long!" Said Keena, the purple haired girl who threw her arms around me. "Look at you and that little blue streak in your hair! Adventurous, are we?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes at her.

The last boy, Moe, was more on the shy side but he smiled and waved at me.

"So what brings you back to our little shithole?" Asked Keena.

"I guess I just needed a safe planet to stop at" I responded.

"Cmon that's a lie we all know you came here to see us!" Pax joked. Okay well part of that was true even though I had DD-9 put in coordinates and it happens to pick this planet.

"Ooh Pax is gonna kill me for this question but who did you get with this time? Another planet ambassador?" Keena smirked. Pax rolled his eyes.

"Last time she hooked up with a hotshot ambassador the planet had a 3 month civil war" Pax added.

"Guys Cmon my life choices don't concern any of u!" I teased. "And no I didnt 'get with' anyone this time. I actually saved someone from planet mustafar so I guess I have a passenger now."

I turned to my droids.
"No offense"

"Ooh who is he? Or she? Or is it an alien?" Keena was practically jumping from excitement.

"I think he's a Jedi. Or a sith. I honestly don't know because when I rescued him he was practically almost all burnt." I responded.

"Then he probably wasn't a very good jedi or sith" Pax rolled his eyes.

"Maybe we could hit the old cafe?" Moe asked. We all turned to him because it was the first time he had spoken since our interaction.

We all nodded in agreement and told them I'd meet them there.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now