18- Sometimes Opposites....  Repel

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Narrator's POV:
Oh you like happy endings? Aww that's cute. Too bad reality doesn't always bring people happy endings. Whoops. It had to be said.

Now if you really like happy endings then you can honestly stop reading at this point. Because the previous chapter ended on a good note. This is where the promised shit show really starts. This story is far more than just the connection between Anakin and Calista. They aren't going to be stuck in their little bubble. The rest of the world exists whether you like it or not. Alternate timelines have a way of doing that to you. What can I say?

You're still here? Good. Buckle up and keep all arms and legs inside the ride at all times because of all the twists and turns.

Calista's POV:
And that's how it went. Oftentimes in would ask A6 to pick a planet or solar system that matched my requests. Other times Anakin would pick a planet.

New foods were tasted. New dances danced. New places visited. We didnt just stick to bars and local food and watching sunsets and sky views- we discovered new places, revisited the old, and made many memories.

Yet I couldn't help but feel that something was off.

Anakin's POV:
I held her close to me because the last thing I need is to lose someone I love. Watching the life leave the eyes and the body of someone you love is the most heartbreaking feeling in existence.

This woman showed me the world. From the edge of the Galaxy and back. Not only did she save me from burning rubble but she had wore her heart on her sleeve at all times around with me.

And I loved her for it. I wanted to spend my life with her but I knew I couldn't. I ruin everything I touch.

The last time I was so in love it didn't end well. The senator had suffered a death. I ruin everything I touch. The thought of losing her, it pained me. I had found somebody so perfect I was starting to wonder if I even deserved her.

I couldn't bear to lose her. I don't think I can live to see the death of someone I love. Again.

Maybe I should go become the Sith Lord I was destined to become and forget all about love. Desensitize myself to its emotions. I wouldnt let myself indulge in its euphoric feeling.

I knew it would hurt us both, but this way I wouldnt have to worry about losing her. She could live out her life. If you love someone let them go.

As much as I cared for her, however, the sith power had its temptations. The Jedi clearly couldn't teach me or show me what power and skills I desired.

The dark side was the only way to go at this point. I wanted power but to also protect her. She was too good for me.

This way I could achieve my ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful being in the galaxy and I could keep her at a distance. Who knows, maybe I can become more powerful than Calista.

Calista's POV:
Something had felt off after months of the romantic ecstasy that had surrounded us everywhere we went.

I turned to Anakin and tucked a piece of hair behind his ear. I planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Can we talk?" I asked him. He rolled over to look at me.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing" his eyes avoided my gaze.

"Anakin what are we?" I asked him as we both sat up on my bed.

"I-I don't know Calista. We love each other." He answered, avoiding my question.

"Anakin is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"No no" he shook his head. "I just feel like you're too good for me" he buried his head in his hands.

"Anakin that's not true and you know it!" I reassured him and put my arms around him. "It's okay you're safe in my arms"

He pushed me away. Literally.

"No," he started. "You're too good for me. We're on different paths in life. I was supposed to become the greatest Sith Lord to ever exist and you! You're the anomaly! Imagine what powerful shit you could do!"

He was starting to scare me. His eyes were no longer a sky blue. They glowed a bright yellow. There was anger in his eyes. As well as pain. My heart dropped.

"Is this about power? You're seriously greedy for power and would sacrifice everything to get it?!" I was choking back tears at this point, but one managed to escape my eye.

"All you do is live in this morally gray area, doesn't it get annoying? Like you're not actually doing anything?!" He yelled at me. At this point tears were streaming down my face. His face was no different.

"I'm sorry Calista. It's not you it's me." He got up from the bed and put his clothes on. He grabbed a cloak and a lightsaber and made his way towards the exit of the ship.

I put my clothes on and grabbed the other light saber that was on the nightstand. I chased after him, even though he was already a distance away from my ship entrance.

"Anakin wait!" I screamed through tears.

He turned to me with anger in his face. He had whipped out his lightsaber. It was almost as if he was blocking himself away from me.

"Like that one bounty hunter said, you're a hot commodity. If bounty hunters are looking for you I wouldnt be surprised if the empire or the republic is looking for you. My advice is don't meddle with either one." He avoided my gaze.

"Anakin wait," I started. He glanced at me. "If you ever need me just say my name. Use the force and I'll find you" tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

"Don't follow me." He yelled, with the glow of the lightsaber reflecting off of his face.

Moments later he took off running into the night.

Next thing you know I was at the bottom of the barrel. Needless to say the bar on planet who gives a fuck had just gained a new patron.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now