27- Mission Impossible

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Calista's POV:
The sliding door revealed a room full of like 15 storm troopers surrounding members of the republic who were cowering over the controls with their hands above their heads.

"Should we call for backup?" Asked one storm trooper.

"No need. There's only three of them" answered another. I had both my blaster and my lightsaber on me just in case even though they weren't my main form of self defense.

Next thing you know the control room in this little base became a war zone. Blaster shots fired left and right, hitting walls, machinery, and most importantly storm troopers.

Keena threw another smoke bomb which bought us some time and gave us the upper hand.

Pax went after the troopers on the left, while Keena went to the center towards her smoke bomb. I focused on the ones to the right.

I felt like a one shot wonder because of how way these stormtroopers fell lifeless at my feet. One blaster shot and they're out.

At this point there were 3 stormtroopers left. Pax, Keena and I shared a quick glance as we quickly finished the job.

A little black box buzzed on the ground near a dead stormtrooper.

'Did you need backup?' Said the little black box. Pax picked it up.

"No sir we have it handled over here sir" he responded while Keena and I attempted to hold in laughter. He then promptly crushed the radio box with his foot. We all burst out laughing for a second until we saw the members of the republic giving us a mortified look. I then signaled for Moe to join us.

"Who are you people?" One of the base members asked. I mean I think she was a base member? All that mattered is she wasn't a stormtrooper.

"Eh just some people the Jedi council had sent. No biggie" i shrugged. Okay now I can see why Obiwan called me arrogant.

"Thank you!" A man said.

"Is there a safe place for you to hide?" Keena asked. The people on the base glanced back and forth.

"There's a supply closet but it can only fit 3 people" responded the woman from earlier.

"Then put 3 people in there with a radio. The rest of you are welcome to reclaim your base." I said.

3 of them hid in a little supply closet while 3 of them hesitantly grabbed blasters and joined us.

"Now this. This is the calm before the storm." Said Pax.

"Well it's now or never" I sighed as I slammed my hand into the controls, causing the sliding door to open.

There comes a time in every girls life, or woman's life, where she feels like a straight up badass. This was my moment.

I was at the tip of the formation with Pax at my left and Keena on my right. Moe and the others filled in the area behind me. I felt invincible.

Swiftly and effortlessly we made our way down the hall, gunning down any and every stormtrooper that dare cross us.

At this point in time there was a fork in the road. I glanced back at my friends and the others.

"Keena take Moe and the base members with you to the left. Pax and I will take the right. Once you get all of the stormtroopers down head back to the ship after all the people are safe"

They nodded as we split off at the fork. The sick feeling in my stomach only increased. I must've been getting close to whoever was causing the disturbance in the force because the feeling grew stronger.

I motioned for Pax to follow me so we could sneak up on whoever the hell was responsible for disturbing the force.

"There they are!" Yelled a voice.

"Get them!" Yelled another. Both unfortunately belonged to storm troopers.

"Pax shoot one. I'll burn the other"

Fire shot out of my left hand as one of the stormtroopers started to burn.

"Holy crap it's the anom-" started the other trooper, but was quickly silenced with a blaster shot.

Thank goodness Pax shot him before he could finish his sentence, because my heart had dropped from what or should I say who I saw through the crack of the door. Fucking Anakin.

"Pax we need to go" I whispered. He turned to me with a confused expression.

"Why-" he started but i put my hand over his mouth. I tilted my head in the direction of the door crack. He peeked through the door and his eyes went wide. He promptly nodded and we began to make our way back.

Not even one step in I hear his voice.

"I know you're out there." Said Anakin. My body froze in its tracks. "I may not know exactly who it is but I feel the force, don't you?" I hated the cock attitude he was showing through his words. It gave me the ick.

"Okay, don't show yourself. I know you'll be back eventually" he laughed.

With that, Pax and I quietly dashed toward the way we came in.

"Calista are you okay? We can leave if you want" he said.

"No Pax. We need to get to the surveillance room so we can check on the cameras to see that the base has been cleared." I fought back tears.

"I can get Keena and Moe to clear that. Cmon let's go back to the ship" he comforted me. He put his arm around me as we walked out of the base on Kanto.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now