17- Pure Ecstasy

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Calista's POV:
"Hey I can see planet G-6734 from here!" I cheered.

"How would you know?" He asked me, genuinely confused.

"I mean according to the navigation system" I shrugged.

"Oh Calista" he chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes.

Next thing you know we were parked in the woods outside a little village.

"Now what?" He asked. I could see the curiosity in his eyes. I loved seeing his genuine interest in me and the stuff I do.

"Oh ya know, explore the village, eat some local food, and maybe hit up a bar in the evening" I answered.

"Sorry I'm just not used to stuff like this" he shook his head. I took his hand in mine.

"Then let me show you my world!" And with that we ran outside of the ship hand in hand.

The village on this planet was bustling with vendors and locals walking around and selling local goods. People had booths set up as if it was a flea market. Children ran and played in the streets.

"Cmon what are you waiting for?!" I smiled at him and pulled him towards the village entrance. Our fingers were interlaced and I felt so close to him. So safe.

We wandered the streets aimlessly talking about anything and everything- from wholesome stuff to stupid questions to funny jokes. It was a feeling of pure ecstasy.

Eventually we stopped at a little local booth and picked up this interesting looking kebab, but don't knock it til you try it!

We both took a bite out of the same kebab, and the taste was sensational. Flavors unimaginable filled my tastebuds and what made it better was I was sharing new experiences with someone, dare I say someone I love. Maybe he was what I was missing my whole life.

I felt a little tug at the bottom of my cloak and turned to see a young girl looking up at me with puppy eyes.

"Aww hi there!" I gave her a little wave.

"Miss could I have one too? I haven't eaten since yesterday." She asked me.

"Hey, let me do you one better," I gave her a warm smile and bought her a separate kebab. A smile formed on her face as she took the kebab from my hand.

"Thank you!" She hugged my leg before running off to couple more kids in the alley.

"That nice lady just got us dinner!" She cheered  as she proceeded to divide up the kebabs between what looked like 5 or 6 kids.

"That was really nice of you" Anakin said.

I turned back to him and gave him a smile.
"Making people happy makes me happy." I told him. He cupped my face in his hands as he looked down at me.

"You make me happy" and then he pulled me in for a kiss. Immediately I felt butterflies Ik my stomach. The happiness this man brought me, I couldn't put it into words.

I turned to ask a local where the nearest bar was and he pointed towards what seemed to be the downtown area. I led Anakin down the street and next thing you know we showed up at a little bar.

There seemed to be a decent amount of patrons. Talking, laughing, dancing. They didn't even notice us walk in. We ordered a few drinks to the counter and downed them in record speeds.

I turned to see Anakin offering me his hand. His eyes avoided my gaze. Aww he was flustered.

"Calista, may I have this dance?" He asked me and looked up to meet my gaze.

Beaming, I took his hand and gladly accepted his request to dance. Our bodies moved with the rhythm and beat of the music.

There were moments where he twirled me. When he dipped me. When he pulled me dangerously close.

Then there were the slow dances. When I would rest my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his neck. When he had his arms around my waist. At times he would even let his hands travel below the waist. I didn't mind.

Then there were the more spicy songs. The ones that allowed dancing patrons to release sexual tension. The kinds of songs where you shake your ass to the beat or grind on the person next to you. I had absolutely no shame. At this point I would be grinding on Anakin.

Later on, patrons started to leave the bar so we took that as our cue to leave.

"I gotta admit, I actually had a lot of fun" he blushed.

"Hold on," I started. "The night ain't over yet"

I grabbed him by the wrist and led him to a little area near a ledge.

"Woah there Calista, you trying to kill me?" He joked.

"No," I sat down and pointed at the sky. "Look at the view."

This planet had 10 moons, which were ironically heart shaped as we settled in to see the view. It was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the view I had at my side.

I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey stupid," I looked up at him. "I love you"

He smiled and planted a kiss on my forehead. He then said,

"I love you too"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum