13- The Full Extent of the Anomaly

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Calista's POV:
I turned my head around to see a horrifying blob mucus like creature and a droid next to it.

"Jabba asks what you are doing here" the droid has translated.

I froze. The creature made more noises.

"Don't you think it's a bit silly for someone such as yourself to be robbing a crime syndicate? Aren't you the anomaly?" The droid said.

"We'll first of all, my name is Calista and second of all who the hell are you to judge my life decisions you stupid smelly blob!" I yelled.

Jabba made some angry sounds.

"How dare you insult me like that?! I could have you killed on the spot?!" Yelled the interpreter droid.

"Good for you but I didn't ask. I'm here to do something and leave. Im getting paid for it." I responded.

"Isn't it a bit low for someone like you to be doing dirty work?" Asked the droid. 

I ignored the droid and Jabba the blob as I didnt have time for this nonsense.

"Even powerful beings such as yourself have weaknesses" noted the droid.

I scoffed. I picked up the egg and was about to head for the exit, when the droid spoke again.

"I think you'll want to turn around for this" said the droid.

I slowly turned around and was shocked to see a familiar face.

they had captured Anakin...

He couldn't even look me in the eye.

"Surely you won't leave pretty boy here" said the droid in a cocky manner. A henchman held up a knife to Anakin's neck. "Would be a shame if someone were to hurt him"

That made my blood boil. I might have been angry with him but none the less my heart still wanted him. Seeing him being threatened let rage fill up my body as I dropped the stupid egg.

Why did everyone have to screw me over like that? I may as well retire to Moreno and live out my days with my 3 closest friends. But nope! Here I am stuck in the middle of a crime syndicate clearly outnumbered. Oh and bonus they captured the man my heart belonged to.

My feet were no longer on the ground. I was floating. Little flames started to form in my hands.

This was a first for me, since before that I've only ever summoned lava.

The flames grew until they were about the size of my head.

I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek as I scanned the room.

Barely making any movement, I flipped my left hand, taking out anyone and everyone on the left half of the room.

Those henchmen were devoured by my flames. Hungry flames consumed everything in their way.

How's that for killing, Anakin?

Flipping my right hand, I sent flames onto the henchmen that stood. Those flames devoured the henchmen from the right. I sent out enough flames to completely burn the area around me to smithereens.

I descended back to the ground, the flames in my hands were gone, but that wasn't the only trick I had up my sleeve. I focused on the henchmen holding Anakin hostage.

I glared right at him and twisted my left wrist counterclockwise. The man was now facing the other henchmen with a knife in his hand. And fear in his eyes.

I bet nobody expected me to be able to physically manipulate people. Okay there has got to be a cooler way to say that. Now that the henchman was where I wanted him, I then mimicked the movements he would be doing. The knife was in his right hand so I swung my right hand. He did the same. With that, he injured half of the henchmen there.

I started mimicking more fighting movement, which made the henchman fight the others. Eventually when there were none left. I let go of control over the henchmen who himself ran like hell after what he had experienced.

There's a cooler word for it. Possession? Eh it works for now.

I turned to look at a shocked Jabba and interpreter droid.

"Now then," I started as I took a step closer to them. "I will be on my way" I smirked as I grabbed the damn egg and walked out of there.

Anakin followed me out. Well obviously, where else would he go? Then again he did mention he was a local.

"Remind me to never piss you off" he said.

I turned to him.

"Get the fuck out of my sight. I never wanna see you ever again!" I jabbed my pointer finger in his chest and stormed off.

I had a stupid egg to deliver and some ship part I need. I couldn't even remember at this point I just wanted to leave.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now