6- How to Make an Entrance

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Anakin's POV:
She had been gone for a long period of time and I didn't know if she was okay.

I glanced down at my legs. They were back. They looked exactly like the ones I had before the burn. I sat up and took a deep breath.

I felt the cold surprising my feet as I stood up. I tried to take a step, but the sudden temperature change my feet endured was a shock for my body so I face planted. Right into the cold floor.

It wasn't graceful either. I made a thud sound which practically summoned her.

Well this is embarrassing. I was supposed to be the universe's most powerful sith, but here I am, collapsed on the floor because I can't even walk right.

I heard a thud and immediately told my friends I'd see them later and ran over to investigate what that was.

When I made my way over to my medical room, I saw Anakin on the floor, with a face redder than a tomato.

"I-" he started.

I helped him up to his feet.

"It's okay" I smiled at him. Holy crap this man was taller than me. He was like Pax's height, so basically half a foot taller than me. I was around 5'4 and most people (an aliens) were either my height or taller.

He leaned on me with what was left of his robotic arm and I could tell he wasn't used to having his legs back right away.

I looked up at him.

"Guess what!" I said

"What?" He asked.

"I'm taking you out with my friends tonight! Cmon lemme help you get ready!" I beamed at him.

He had no reaction. He looked down at himself.

"What the hell would I wear?" He asked me. I took a look at him. All he was wearing was the remains of his pants from the burn. They did cover what they were supposed to tho so he could go out in public.

"Hmm you bring up a good point," I started. "Oh! You can wear one of my cloaks!" I exclaimed.

I guided him back to the medical table and fetched a claim from my closet.

I then noticed the burn and scratch marks on his body and decided to get some gauze to wrap him up. I gathered the other medical supplies I needed.

"I'm gonna warn you, but this is probably gonna hurt." I disinfected his cuts and wounds and I heard a sharp inhale from him.

I then proceeded to apply ointment and then wrap his body in gauze. I wanted to sneak a better look at his body but I didn't want to turn into a tomato again.

"There you go!" I smiled at him. He gave me a weak smile.

"Thanks" he responded. I went back to my closet and found my largest r shirt and tossed it to him.

"Sorry this is all I have that will probably fit you" I told him as he shrugged and put on the Gray t shirt which seemed to fit him better than me. He put on the cloak I gave him.

"You ready to meet my friends?" I asked him.

"I guess" he shrugged.

I tossed him a leather glove to cover his robotic hand.

"It looks very fragile so I'm just taking precautions" I told him. He put on the glove and I put out my left hand in a classy manner.

"Shall we?" I smirked at him.

He rolled his eyes and put his robotic hand in mine. It felt weird to be holding my own glove.

We were heading to a cafe so it's not like we were all getting fancy or something. I had my usual on: a cropped gray tank top and black leggings. I also threw on a cloak because you never know when you'll need it.

Anakin seemed to be struggling less with walking, however he did lean on me a lot.

I got some strange looks from villagers but for the most part no one really seemed to notice two outsiders.

We stopped outside a cafe with the label 'the old cafe'.

"How creative" I rolled my eyes and giggled. Anakin kinda just nodded.

I knew I would never hear the end of it from my friends, especially Pax and Keena, if I didn't enter the place in our 'special way' so I proceeded to kick the door open, which sent Anakin stumbling back a little bit.

I heard cheering from the other side.

"There's our girl!" I heard Keena yell from across the cafe. All 3 of them came over to greet us as we made our entrance. Anakin seemed skeptical but he followed me, leaning against anything he could to help him move.

I glanced at the man behind the register who saw us all and muttered 'oh no'.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now