20- Part Time Lover

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Calista's POV:
"Uh do you have anything" I asked, tugging at my soaking wet cloak. He led me to his sleeping quarters and handed me an oversized t shirt.

I turned away from him to change into his shirt. It felt very liberating to take off all of the soaking wet clothing that clung to my skin.

After I changed, I snuck a peek at him, while he changed into dry clothing as well. His skin glistened from the remaining water. I quickly looked away. What was i doing?

I noticed that he only had a bed in his sleeping quarters.

"Hey uh is there another place I possibly could do uh" words sure were hard to find.

He turned to me but avoided my gaze.

"I don't normally have visitors so no." He started. "I could take the floor if you want the bed though"

I sighed. I was not about to kick this man out of his own bed. I climbed into his bed and tapped the spot next to mine.

"You shouldnt have to sleep on the floor. Thank you for giving me a place to spend the night" I said.

He hesitated at first, but then he sat down on the other side of the bed. I laid on my back and within the next like 15 minutes or so he does the same.

Two strangers that may or may not recognize each other. Laying on their backs in the same bed. What a night.

"What are you going to do now?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I was genuinely confused.

"Are you going to go after the person you lost?" He turned his head towards me. "What's next in store for you?"

"I honestly dont know. I don't know if he is worth chasing- he threw me away for an opportunity for power" I responded.

"My padawan left for the same reason" he sighed.

"I thought you werent supposed to have connections as a Jedi" i mentioned.

"We're not supposed to have romantic or super close attachments. Isolation is far too extreme" he responded.

"So you can't ever love someone?" I asked.

"Pretty much. Attachments and connections are a path to the dark side which is not something I want to go down"

"Doesn't it get lonely?" I asked him.

"I mean-" he started. He placed a hand on his forehead. He ran his hand down his beard. He seemed deep in thought.

"So you've never experienced the ups and downs and feelings and stuff?" My face was now turned to face his.

"It is forbidden" he sighed. He clenched his fists.

"You seem lonely" I told him. "You're really missing out"

Out of nowhere our eyes locked and the next thing happened suddenly. He kissed me.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have" he panicked. "The council could have my ass for this!"

I was more in shock but I also knew I had nowhere else to spend the night so I decided to brush it off and get out of here in the morning.

"It's fine" I responded and rolled over away from him. "It's not like they know now anyway"

"I know you have someone very important to you in your life that you love and I just got between that. I shouldn't have." He kept apologizing.

I cared deeply for Anakin. I truly did. But something he said triggered me. It filled me with rage towards Anakin. I no longer 'had' someone important in my life, as Anakin left me so he could be some powerful dark lord. I clenched my fists. I can't let myself love a man who's priority is power.

I was frustrated with how he had discarded me like trash. Angry with myself for loving this man, I decided it was time to move on.

I let the rage fill my body and next thing you know I was on top of this man full on making out with him. Then there was more. A lot more. I don't recall much however. Or maybe I chose to not recall it.

He seemed to be into it but all I could think about was getting back at Anakin.

Eventually I rolled over onto my side away from the man and drifted off to sleep.

Morning came a lot faster than expected and I realized I was in bed with another man, wearing another man's clothes.

I felt guilty for some reason. I sat up in the bed and looked at my hands. For a solid moment my body felt paralyzed and I couldn't move. My hands started trembling but i clenched them hoping that would go away.

I found my clothes from last night on a rack and thankfully they were dry. Putting them on, I noticed that the man had woken up.

"It's you." He said. I slowly turned around to face him. His eyes widened. My eyes darted across the room towards the exit.

I pulled up my pants as this man started to walk over to me.

And then it hit me.

I had slept with Obi-wan Fucking Kenobi.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now