2- An Unlikely Rescue

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normally Palpatine would've come after Anakin and would've rescued him like in the original storyline, however the anomaly, or the glitch in the force had already skewed the timeline.
Youd think I'd leave a planet right away after being discovered and practically almost attacked RIGHT?


Something against my best judgement kept me here.

There was nothing left here for me. No bars no market places. Civilization as we know it was toppled.

But I felt a gut feeling my work here wasn't finished. As if there was something I still needed to do.

I hopped into my ship and decided to fly around the planet to see what it was the force wanted of me.

After circling the planet halfway I vaguely saw a robotic or mechanical arm desperately grasping what was left of the gravel.

Screams of pain and agony escaped whoever that was and somehow I knew this is what I still had to do. I sighed and carefully landed my ship.

I approached the robotic hand and saw what was left of a man attached to it. Burned and scorched by the flames and lava surrounding him. Tears escaped his eyes as he burned in flames . There was desperation in eyes as he met my gaze. I could almost feel the pain in his icy blue eyes.

His screams and cries broke my heart and I knew I had to help him. A tear rolled down my cheek as I realized I was his only chance at survival.

Dammit I hate when the force tries to mix into my morals.

Unfortunately I had no way to put out the flames on his body so I had to pick him up the way he was and absorb his pain. This way, by taking on some of his pain from the burns he might make it.

I screamed as the flames were absorbed into my body as I ran back with him to my ship.

Immediately I made my way over to the plasma chamber room in my ship, as it was the only thing there that could numb the pain from the burns. I ran a bath for the man and placed him in a plasma tub. I then went off to get myself some plasma to heal from my absorbed burns.

The planet was collapsing in on itself through the destruction the war had caused so I knew I had to fly out of here if both of us were to make it.

After I was safely outside the planet, I watched from afar how it exploded. What was once an inhabited planet was now nothing more than an explosion of space rocks being consumed in flames. Until it became nothing.

I decided to go check on the mystery man in my plasma healing tub. I made my way over to a very confused burned man.

"Where the hell am I? And who the hell are you?!" He yelled all of a sudden.

I recognized that voice. It was him. From earlier. I froze in my tracks.

"A-Anakin?" I questioned.

"You're the girl who created the lava wall!" He said.

"Uh yea that's me" I awkward scratched the back of my head. "I saw you were burning up and were about to fall in the lava river. I couldn't just leave you there."

His eyes widened.
"What is this stuff?" He poked at it with his only functioning limb which was a robotic arm on his right side. Blue jelly like plasma slid off of his robotic finger.

"It's plasma" I said. "It numbs any form of pain temporarily regardless of how severe"

He glanced at the rest of his body to see that his legs were no longer there below the knees and his left arm was nonexistent. He turned to the mirror and a look of horror overcame his face as he gasped.

"I-I look like that?" His hand trembled and he couldn't take his eyes off of the mirror. I ended up moving the mirror away from him.

"What did you expect after practically almost burning up and melting in a river of lava?" I asked him, genuinely curious as to what his response would be.

"I-" he started. I placed my hand on his shoulder gently.

"I can help you." I said

He looked up at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Who ARE you?"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now