12- Both Sides of the Magnet

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Okay so OC finally picked a name. Based on a bottle of alcohol. Nice. If only I was able to do the same thing. Man I'd kill to be her right now.

Also her perspective will no longer be 'OC's POV for the rest of the book it will now be 'Calista's POV'.

Calista's POV:
All heads were turned in our direction. Jabba's men were surrounding us on all sides. Anakin and I were back to back and ready to take these people on.

The first blaster shot was fired from one of the men which I deflected with my light saber and next thing you know I was jumping off of tables and chairs deflecting blast shots and occasionally chopping off an arm. Or a leg. Didnt matter to me unless it was Anakin or myself.

There were less and less of Jabba's men conscious until it was 2 versus 2. Anakin and I stood near the bar counter as two men charged at us.

The one I fighting must've caught me off guard because next thing you know I'm being slammed into a table. And no not in the hot way. I knew that if Anakin did that to me then the result would have been very different.

I sliced off this man's arm with my lightsaber, sending him into shock as he dropped to the floor.

Within that moment, the man that Anakin was fighting punched him, causing Anakin to grab his side. He then retaliated and kicked the man, sending him a few tables back.

I walked up to Anakin's side and we both looked each other. We didn't even have to say anything as we both jumped on a table and then hopped onto the next one and then jumped down to meet the final man standing.

"You're surrounded buddy" I said, as the man put his hands up, surrendering.

"Shouldn't we kill him?" Asked Anakin.

"Nah that's too much of the dark side for me. Besides he's unarmed right now" I sliced his blaster in half.

"Are you serious!" He shouted. "If we let him live he's gonna come after us and kill us!"

"He's unarmed now! I refuse to hurt an unarmed man!" I yelled back.

"You're starting to sound like the damn Jedi council!" He yelled back at me.

"Well I'm not! I just think he should be spared that's all." I responded.

"What if he tries to kill us again?!"  Anakin yelled back.

"Then we'll kill him." I sighed. Anakin stormed out of the bar with rage as I followed behind him.

"What's gotten into you?" I screamed as he turned around, with anger in his eyes.

"You! You're weak! You couldn't even kill him!" He yelled at me.

"What the hell Anakin?!" I screamed through tears. "Did that kiss mean nothing to you?!"

"Good luck getting your stupid ship part" he yelled as he stormed off.

Great. I was basically lost in the middle of an unfamiliar planet, and i owed a bounty hunter a stupid golden egg that was in the lair of a crime syndicate. Love that for me.

The man fell in love with had just stormed away from me because of a stupid disagreement so i was basically on my own. It woulda been nice if I had the help of a local. I rolled my eyes.

I decided to wander around town because who in their right mind walks up to a civilian an asks them where with crime syndicate is located?

After about an hour of walking around aimlessly I finally found it. I peeked through the window and noticed a decent amount of guards. And the damn egg. It was right next to Jabba's throne. This definitely wasn't a one person job but what choice did I have? Who knew where Anakin was at this moment?

Thankfully I grabbed a full bottle from the bar before I left so I knew exactly how I was going to make my entrance.

But first I chugged half of the bottle. I was gonna need it. I tore a piece of fabric off of my cloak and lit it on fire. I then threw a rock through the window to break the glass and that was followed by the Molotov cocktail.

I looked over to see I hit a decent amount of guards, but I needed a way to sneak in there. Opening a pocket in my cloak, I pulled it a smoke bomb and tossed it into the lair.

That was my cue. I ran in but I found a decent hiding spot. I knew smoke bombs didnt last long.

I decided to hide out for a bit until it got dark.

Now was the time to strike. I ran to pickup the golden egg, which was about the size of my hand, when I heard some weird croaking and other strange noises.

"What are you doing here?!" An interpreter droid had asked.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz