19- Menace to Sobriety

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Calista's POV:
If I thought I was at an all time low before I was wrong. Cuz I'm here right now. Rock bottom. Bottom of the damn barrel. He had left me. He chose the temptation of power. Over me. What did I do wrong?

I waved the bartender over.

"Hit me with another one." I told him as he poured me another glass of whatever the hell i was having.

The burning sensation in my throat warmed me up on the inside. It was the only comfort I had at the moment.

"Hit me with another one"

I wasn't the only one with a collection of shot glasses. It was interesting to see who else was with me at the bottom of the barrel.

"Hit me with another one"

What number is this? I don't know. Who cares. What even is a number anyway?

"Hit me with another one"

Who even cares if I'm the anomaly? Sure cool funny powers but in reality who gives a flying fuck?

"Hit me with another one"

It almost as if these words are ingrained in my head. When the glass was empty it got lonely. There was nothing inside there in it. For it. Empty. No purpose. Nothing to live for.

"Hit me with another one"

A man sat on the barstool next to mine. He looked somewhat like a Jedi or something I mean he had that lightsaber thing. Oh and he had a beard.

He seemed oddly familiar but I do not have the mental capacity to search the archives in my brain to find this man's name.

"Rough night?" Asked that familiar voice.

"Tell me about it," I scoffed.

He slammed an empty shot glass on the bar counter.

"Me too" he sighed.

"Welcome to the club" I slammed my empty shot glass down as well.

"So uh what happened with you?" The man asked hesitantly.

"I lost someone close to me..." I started. "He's not dead he's just... gone" I burped my head in my hands.

"I as well lost somebody who was like a brother to me." He responded. "I understand your pain."

"I hope you find who you're looking for" I attempted to reassure him. 

"Ha! I wish!" He responded. "I lost someone close to me because he went down a path and I couldn't support him"

"I lost the man I love to a dark path" I noticed that some of my words started to slur. Oh well who cares.

"Well in the Jedi world we don't allow ourselves to have personal connections because it's a path to the dark side" he responded.

"You're a Jedi?" I asked him, even though his lightsaber kinda gave it away. He glanced down at my waistband where i too apparently had a light saber which I completely forgot that I stole. Oops

"You're not?" He responded.

"I uh," I started, and then proceeded to run out of the bar. Or atleast I tried to. Two steps and the floor was giving me a rude awakening.

I heard some noises and words being thrown around and next thing you know I'm being dragged out of the bar and thrown onto the street. Ouch.

The cold concrete did not make the best resting spot. It was cold. And heartless. Like him.

Moment later, the bearded man was thrown out as well.

"The concrete is not a comfortable as it looks" I said. I noticed the man had a bruise from being tossed out onto the concrete.

"I can fix that for you." I turned to him.

"What?" he seemed genuinely confused. I rolled him over to his back to reveal the bruise on his side and I put my hands on it.

Channeling the force through myself, I was able to focus on healing his bruise.

"How?" He was in shock. "No Jedi can do that"

"I never said I was a Jedi" I attempted to stand up. Several times. But eventually I was able to somewhat stand on shaky legs. I started making my way over to-
I didn't even know where I was going.

I looked back at the man who was also struggling to walk and felt conflicted. I was sick and tired of putting people before myself and helping them out only to get screwed over. I turned away from the man and focused on balancing myself.

Then I felt a pang of guilt. This man didn't do anything to me. Yet. Or that I know of. I sighed and turned back to him.

"Hey you can lean on me if you can take me to a safe place to stay the night." I slurred. He nodded and promptly leaned on me as we both started heading west.

The rain started drizzling. Then pouring. What is it with rain on these damn planets?

Both the man and i were soaking wet. Atleast the rain drops blended in with my tears so you couldn't really tell I was crying. Hopefully.

Eventually we made it to some ship thing. The man opened up the doors and we went inside.

He seemed so familiar. I could tell that he also used the force. Oh wait he's a Jedi of course he does. His name was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't remember it for some reason.

We were both soaking wet from head to toe. The ship was a bit small but better here than on the streets. I may be an anomaly and a powerful being but I'm not immortal. Honestly no one is. I think.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now