25- Until We Done Close our Eyes for Good

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Calista's POV:
We all turned to Pax as he said those words.

"Your mother must've been the great Heidi Moreira." One of the council members stated.

"I never knew much about her..." Pax trailed off.

"We promised your mother you would be away from any and all conflict so we had delivered you to a remote planet when you were a child" responded another council member.

"Can we get on with the plan?" The council member with the slicked back horns impatiently said.

"The boy deserves to know about his mother" Obiwan shut him up.

A tear started to roll down Pax's cheek.

"All i knew was that she was a brave pilot who died on Kanto..." Pax said.

"We did not know much more than you did- you see, she went to deliver some supplies to that planet but before she left she asked for us to put you on a planet that would be far from conflicts. Of course no planet is 100% safe, but Moreno was statistically the safest planet at the time so we fulfilled your mother's wishes. Unfortunately we did not see or hear from her again until she was found and pronounced dead. No one knew the true cause of death but your mother did leave a letter for you which we have stored in the Jedi archives."  Said Obiwan.

"I-I would like to read my mother's letter" Pax was shaking. He glanced at me. "I can't do this alone."

I nodded and followed Pax and Obiwan to the Jedi Archives.

He handed Pax the envelope which was atleast 20 or so years old. A layer of dust came off as he took the letter out of the envelope. I looked over his shoulder as he began to read the letter.

Dear Pax,

If you're reading this I'm probably dead. You must have so many questions. And I do not blame you. It is only natural to be curious about who your parents were and who you are. I will tell you as much as I can, but in the end I hope you can find all of the answers you seek.

Your parents were Pax sr. And myself, Heidi. You were a part of the Moreira family, and we're a family of pilots. That probably explains your natural pilot abilities. Unfortunately, you did not have any siblings so it was just the three of us for a bit. We were never super important or well known, as we mostly delivered cargo ships to make ends meet.

When you were born, we saw that you had taken your fathers Hazel eyes so we decided to name you after your father. I bet at this point you're probably still growing or maybe your an adult but I have a hunch that you'll take after your father, so you'll be tall and brown haired. With those hazel eyes. I wish I could see you now and give you the biggest hug. Wherever you are in your life, I hope you know that I'm proud of you, Pax Junior. I'm sure your life wasn't the easiest either.

One day when your father didn't return from his mission I knew this world was too dangerous for you. I had trusted the Jedi with you and told them to take you to the safest planet. They then told me that you were living with a sweet lady who ran a cafe and had a son about your age. I was relieved that the Jedi had found a safe place for you to grow up, because growing up on a ship with dangerous delivery jobs was not my ideal childhood for you. I hope you understand why I did what I did. I wanted to give you a chance at a better life.

Wherever you are in your life, I hope this message reaches you sooner rather than later. I hope you didn't forget about me, though if you did I don't blame you because you were relocated at a young age. Even though your father passed quite a bit before I did, I just want you to know that we both love you dearly and wish you the best.

With love,
Your Mother

Tears rolled down his cheeks one by one. Then there were more. And more. Until they came out like a damn waterfall and he couldn't hold back anymore. I enveloped him in a hug.

Then it all made sense. Why the cafe felt like home. Even though I had saved the cafe man's mothers life I had immunity in that sense. But for Pax it was different. Little did I know that the mothers life that I saved that day was a mother figure for Pax.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now