16- To New Adventures

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Calista's POV:
Waking up in Anakin's arms was the best feeling ever. It was a feeling of sheer ecstasy. I could barely describe it with words so I decided actions was the way to go.

I climbed on top of him and kissed him good morning.

"I could get used to waking up to that" he kissed me back. The sheer bliss. I swear I could be stuck in a time loop in this one moment forever and I wouldnt complain.

He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and looked me straight in the eyes.

"You're hot as hell, you know that?" He smirked.

This man gave my butterflies in my stomach I swear. I ran my index finger of my right hand along his jawline and stopped right under his chin. Tilting his head upwards, I planted a kiss on his lips.

"Well pretty boy, we gonna lay here all day long or are we gonna go somewhere?" I joked.

"I wouldn't be opposed to staying here all day if it means I get to lay with you" he responded.

He pulled me closer and grabbed my butt cheeks. I gave him a look. Well not just a look. THE look.

"Careful buddy cuz you might get a round two" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Wouldnt be opposed to that"

I ran my hand through his hair and leaned in to give him a kiss when we were interrupted.

"Calista DD-9 keeps saying something and sounds like a broken record" said A6.

Oh geez. Hesitantly I rolled off of Anakin and got up.

"Sorry ani I gotta fix DD-9 again" I rolled my eyes before blowing him a kiss. He responded back with a wink that made my knees weak.

"Calista come!" Shouted A6 as the droid grabbed my wrist to lead me to DD-9.

DD-9 kept saying the same thing over and over again.

Don't trust. Don't trust. Don't trust.

I paid no mind to it and immediately began to work with DD-9's control panel until the droid was back and working again.

"There. Good as new." I brushed off my shoulders and put away my tools. "Silly little droid."

"Where to, Calista?" Asked A6.

"Eh, nearest planet with a bar and some good food. Take your pick" and with a wave of my hand I disappeared towards my sleeping quarters.

"Where r we going" he rubbed his eyes as I walked in.

"I don't know I just told A6 to put in random coordinates- I thought it would be fun to explore a new place." I twirled a piece of hair around my finger. "With you"

Cue the red tomato face because my face was 50 shades of red. He smiled at me.

"You're cute when you get excited about things, you know that?" He said.

Aww he has a sweet side!

"You're cuter" I smirked at him. "Wanna be the copilot to my pilot?"

Yikes I just realized how cringey that sounded. He rolled his eyes and gave me a smile.


Next thing you know my heart was beating with excitement as we ran down the hall together.

Now I normally dont let anyone pilot my ship, I usually only let them copilot at best. But something about the determination in his look when he helped me land my ship on his home planet not too long ago made me feel some type of way.

"Hey uh" I tucked a piece of hair behind my hair and avoided his gaze for a second. "Would you wanna be the pilot on this one?" I looked up at him, hopeful.

He pulled me in close for a hug. I felt every inch of him up against me and I wasn't complaining.

"So you want me to take control?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes sir!" I told him as I plopped my ass down into the copilot seat. It felt so strange to sit on the right side and to see him in the pilot seat. The pilot seat was mine, it's almost as if that seat had my damn name on it. I guess it felt strange but also seeing him take control was kinda hot.

"So what planet are we flying to?" He asked me.

"Who knows?" I laughed. "A6 sent some coordinates to a planet that matched my description"

"Wait so you're saying you don't have a set planet to go to?" He seemed confused.

I called A6 in.

"According to Calista's requests, the closest planet that fits this is planet G-6734" said A6.

"Plant G-6734? I've never heard of that one" said Anakin.

"Neither have I but it could be fun!" I cheered.

He gave me a smile as we began our journey to planet whatever the fuck it's name is.

I had a hot sexy man in my pilot seat, what more could I need? I felt at peace. Like I had found what I was looking for.

I felt whole.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now