37- Revenge of the Sin

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Calista's POV:
I wasn't about to wait and find out. I'm done being the empires puppet.

I decided to climb into his bed. If he killed me, so be it. I'd rather be dead and free than living like this and wishing death upon myself.

I gently planted a kiss on his forehead and laid down next to him. I then placed my left arm over his body. For some time we slept together like this in peace. I felt at peace. If this was how I was going to die by his hands, then so be it.

All of a sudden I feel my body getting slammed into the wall.

"What the Fuck are you doing in my bed?!" He yelled.

"I... got cold" I lied. I really just wanted to hold him in my arms one more time in case it was the last.

"Lies!" He responded, although I thought I had spotted even a hint of humanity in his eyes.

"I can't do this anymore." I told him.

"What do you mean?" He responded.

"Be the empires pawn. Their prized possession.  The 'secret weapon'"

"Why do you keep fighting me? We're both on the right side now" he screamed.

"This isn't you!" I screamed back. "What happened to the man I fell in love with?!"

The word 'love' had made him flinch as hatred burned through his body. It also had caused him to grab his light saber.

"Fuck you!" He screamed.

"You chose power over me!" I screamed at him. "I literally made you! Without me you would've burned up on that godforsaken planet!"

I had spotted out of the corner of my eye Anakin's old lightsaber so I had used the force to grab it.

He had ignited a red lightsaber, as I had ignited his blue one.

"If you're not with me you're against me" he said.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way" I sighed.

He had swung his lightsaber at me first which I had blocked with the one I was holding.

His eyes glowed a yellow as hatred channeled through his body. His next move had caused him to slice his couch in half since I had jumped away in time.

I didn't want to fight him but I couldn't just keep defending myself from each blow like this. I swung my lightsaber at him, which he blocked swiftly.

We had jumped around the walls and floors swinging our lightsabers at each other, the furniture and wall as accidental casualties of the battle.

He had hit my left leg, slicing a minor wound causing me to let out a scream of pain. I narrowed my eyes at him.

Time to play dirty.

While I swung my lightsaber at him I managed to sweep my feet under his, causing him to trip and land on the floor.

"I've got the high ground" i cackled.

This must've triggered him, since his anger fueled his next move.

He had cornered but I was not about to give up.

Although at this point I was pinned up against the wall with only two lightsabers between us. I was using the blue one to block the hit from the red one he had been using. We stayed like this for a moment.

And then our eyes had met. The yellow glow from his eyes slowly started disappearing. I had dropped my lightsaber as I gazed into his sky blue eyes.

To my surprise, he had dropped his lightsaber as well and had pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss.

"Fucking hell Calista I don't know what it is about you but I can't resist you" he inhaled a sharp breath.

His eyes were hypnotizing. Intoxicating. Even though he had wronged me I was caught up in the heat of the moment.

I pressed my body up against his and returned his passionate kiss. My body yearned for more.

He then pushed me down on his bed and was now on top of me. Our lips had met yet again as our hands explored each other's bodies.

We had stripped each other of our clothes until it was just us and the sheets of his bed.

I bit my lip and cupped Anakin's face in my hand.

"Fuck me," I smirked. "Hard"

He nodded as he entered me. He began to thrust slower at first until he gripped the headboard. At this point he was going fast and rough and I enjoyed every inch of him inside of me.

Once we both had finished, Anakin had decided to lay on my left.

"Holy crap I've missed you" I traced his abs with my finger.

"I've missed you too" he responded.

He held me in his arms as I made myself comfortable.

Using his chest as a pillow, I was finally able to drift off to sleep happily.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now