35- Lord Vader's Puppet

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Calista's POV:
I was subjected to a rude awakening when another pillow was thrown at me with the use of the force.

"Wake up!" Anakin had raised his voice at me.

I rolled over from my position to see him avoiding my gaze. I sighed and got up to stand by his side.

Next thing you know I was in some sort of planning room with Anakin and several generals.

Oh look grandpa Palpatine had decided to join the party. While I thought that was the funniest thing in the world I had to bite my tongue.

I was practically walking on eggshells here.

They all started talking about some sort of battle plans which I ended up zoning out until one of the generals turned to me and said

"This is where you come in"

With that, I had zoned back in as the plan was explained to me.

They planned to use me as a secret weapon to destroy an entire planet that apparently refused to join the empire.

The process of arrival to that planet was a blur as my mind was elsewhere.

Occasionally I would steal a glance at Anakin as my eyes could not resist him. However every time I looked at him I was reminded of the good and bad. And it pained me. My heart felt as if it was shattered into a million pieces.

Stormtroopers attacked the planet, villages were captured and destroyed. And for what? Power? Control?

There was a section of the village I kept glancing at. Young children ran and played as if they did not have a care in the world. They probably don't understand the concept of war, corruption, and power. All they know is their friends and their little games.

There were some older kids and adults and many others just living their lives. How I envied their innocence and care free lives, but I also remembered that we were supposed to be invading them and taking away that care free aspect of their lives.

"And now it's time to put our ultimate weapon to the test!" Cheered Palpatine.

Wow I'm just a weapon to the empire. I mean what did I expect? I traded my freedom to save my friends so now I'm no longer Calista I'm just a weapon for the empire to use in their crusades.

"Obliterate them!" Commanded Palpatine as he gestured towards where the children were running around.

I glanced at Anakin who didn't even dignify me with a look back.

"I can't do this..." I looked at these innocent people with their smiles and laughter and I couldn't bring myself to hurt them.

Instead, I decided to send out a warning fire blast. Hopefully that way most of them could leave the area that way.

I concentrated on the force and shot out a blast of fire from my hand clearly missing the people. This had startled some of them, causing some of the kids to run away.

"That's it?!" Yelled Palpatine. "End them!"

He then must've had another idea because he had turned to Anakin who had nodded at him.

Anakin had approached me.

"You're worthless" he told me as he circled me.

Those words cut me like a knife.

"You're useless and I wish I never met you" he sneered.

My heart dropped.

I wish I never met you

Those were the words that did it. I no longer felt sadness from my pain as now I was channeling it into anger.

"Good" Palpatine narrowed his eyes.

The anger had started to flow through my body as I saw that my feet were no longer touching the ground. I was levitating and I already had flames forming in the palms of my hands.

I let the heat of the flames and the anger from my pain flow through me as I swung my right arm. The flames had devoured half of that little area where the kids once played in.

Hungry destructive flames. They took everything in their path and turned it into rubble.

I wish I never met you

Those words lingered in my head. They hurt like a literal stab wound to the heart.

I effortlessly flung my left hand to guide the flames from it onto another part of the village.

Buildings and people were engulfed in flames.

His words were stuck on replay in my head which drove me to launch more fire at the village.

I wish I never met you

At this point I didn't care if villagers or stormtroopers suffered casualties. Anakin wished he never met me. After everything we're been through?

The little marketplace which was once bustling with activity was now consumed by fire as the flames destroyed everything in their path.

The entire planet as I saw it before me had been consumed by fire. My own flames.

A sharp pain to my head had caused the planet fire to become rather blurry as my body made contact with the ground once more, except I had collapsed.

My body felt paralyzed since I could not move a single part of it.

The world was spinning. The people and things around me started to become blurry.

I felt someone pick me up as I almost faded into unconsciousness. Out of the corner of my eye I was able to make out Anakin's image through the blurriness. He had picked me up.

For some reason that had filled me with hope as I smiled like an idiot.

"You may be her greatest weakness but you're also her greatest strength" Palpatine had said.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now