11- Operation Retrieve the Stupid Dumb Golden Egg

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Well thank you Sid for the warning. I definitely had enough time to make my escape and I'm totally not stuck here about to be in the middle of a crossfire.

I glanced over at Anakin who quickly tilted his head in the direction of the bar. I nodded. Anakin made his way to the bartending area and hid behind the counter in time.

Me however, not so lucky. I was about to jump the counter, when a man stopped me. A man from that group of Jabba's people that barged in.

"You! What's your name?" He barked

"Joe" i responded, concealing a giggle.

One of the other men narrowed his eyes at me and said "Joe? What a strange name for a woman! Joe who?"

"JOE MAMA!" I screamed and howled with laughter.

Bar patrons trembled with fear. The man who stopped me came up to me and slapped my face.

"I'll ask you again. What's your name?" Okay he seemed pretty serious.

Unsure of what to say, I glanced over at the bar and read the labels of various bottles and cans hoping to find something that would stick.

And then I found it. A classy little bottle that was half full that said "Calista & Co." I like to think I'm classy so I thought it was fitting. I looked back at the scary looking man.

This whole time I was holding a bottle full of alcohol and I managed to find a piece of fabric to put in it. All I needed was a lighter or something like a cigarette to set it on fire.
"Calista" I sighed.

The man ran his finger along my cheek and then looked me up and down.

"Well, Calista, you'd make a great addition to Jabba's exotic pet collection" he said.

"Uh yea I'm good" I responded and immediately grabbed a cigarette from the man at the table next to me and lit the bottle on fire. I threw it at Jabba's men which allowed me to jump behind the counter.

Little did I know I landed smack on top of Anakin. I laughed nervously.

"Sorry" I told him as I rolled off of him. Normally I would've taken my time but we were in a life or death situation.

I looked above the bar counter to see that there were still many men and creatures so I aimed and fired from my blaster. I had positioned it so that it hit 2 men at once.

I turned to Anakin.

"There's a storage supply room over there. We have to somehow make it over there without them noticing." I pointed to my left where there was a little hallway and a door.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Anakin asked.

"Watch me." I took a large bottle and tossed it to the right, which got the attention of half of the men. Next, I aimed my blaster so that it would hit the chandelier, causing a distraction.

"Now!" I told Anakin as we sneaked away into that little hallway and hopped into that storage supply room.

"How are we going to escape?" He asked me as we managed to fit into the cramped storage room.

"Well I havent thought of that, but I'm sure they'll become tired at some point" I smiled at him and he sighed.

There was barely any room in there, so our bodies were pressed up against each other. I could feel every bit of him. And he could feel every bit of me.

Not that I was complaining. I looked up at him. Were we going to make it out of here? Or was this the end? Wait no. He's a Jedi and I'm the goddamn anomaly we can take on anything. Together.

I don't know what came over me in this moment but I leaned in and kissed him. On the lips. None of that truth or dare on the cheek stuff.

What I didn't expect was for him to kiss me back. We were already fairly close due to the lack of space. So all he really had to do was lean in and return the favor. Which he did.

If I had a dollar for every butterfly I felt in my stomach right now I'd have enough to buy the damn deflector plate. And that thing is pricy as hell.

Now came the moment to digest those damn butterflies.

"We should uh try to escape" I said. Wow way to be awkward.

"Yea" he agreed. I opened the door a little and unfortunately Jabba's men were still there. I grabbed my lightsaber and Anakin grabbed his.

"I guess we don't have much of a choice" I kicked down the door and prepared for impact.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now