23- Return to Moreno

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Calista's POV:
I sprinted out of that council room straight to my ship because I knew damn well who I was going to call.

"A6 set course for Moreno" I told my droid as i sat in my pilot seat.

Not sure how my closest friends will feel about seeing me after this whole shitshow but I knew they were the only people I could turn to.

When I got to the planet, I made my way to the cafe and slammed my hand next to the cash register.

"Hit me with a drink. Or seven"

The normal cashier guy gave me a weird look.

"You realize this is a cafe RIGHT? We don't serve alcohol here" he responded.

"I don't care give me seven cups of your strongest crap" I threw my hands up in defeat.

"Well well well if it ain't magic hands" said a familiar and comforting voice.

I turned to see Pax, with Keena on his left and Moe on his right. Without even giving it a second thought I hugged them all at the same time.

I walked over with them to our usual spot in the back corner of the cafe. I told them everything. Except I left out the part where I name Obiwan Kenobi as the man I slept with.

"So let me get this straight, Anakin betrayed you for power of the dark side so then you go and sleep with his teacher and now you're in some sort of deal with the Republic?" Keena shouted.

"I knew that guy was no good!" Yelled Pax.

"You don't like any guy I talk to Pax! I get that you're salty from getting rejected by me but that's no excuse to talk down upon any other guy in my life!" I exploded.

After seeing the group in shock from my outburst I took a deep breath.

"Okay okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to explode like that I'm just not in a good place right now" I apologized to them.

"Girl what is it with that 'I can fix him' mentality it's not going to get you anywhere" said Keena.

"But I know I can. I have a special connection with him" I argued back.

She shook her head.

"I love him what do you expect me to say?!" A chair flew across the room as I swung my arm out of anger.

She backed away from me.

"Im sorry" I shook my head. "I also did something else and I feel guilty. I feel like I did something wrong."

"Well what did you do?" Keena asked, cautiously.

"I slept with Obi-wan kenobi" i facepalmed myself.

Keena's eyes widened in shock and Pax stepped in.

"THE fucking Obiwan Kenobi?!" Keena screamed.

"Youd could not have made it anymore obvious" I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Keena now the whole damn cafe knows I played hide the salami with a well respected Jedi council member."

"Wowww it looks like our magic hands has a type!" Pax joked. "Men of the force who use funny looking light up death sticks"

"We all make mistakes." I narrowed my eyes at him. "And I have a name, you know. It's Calista"

He froze for a moment.

"Calista" he said it to himself.

"I don't see why you'd feel guilty about sleeping with another man," started Keena. "Anakin left you so you don't owe him anything. It's not like you two were together when he left."

"I slept with his fucking TEACHER Keena" I buried my head in my hands. "I basically dug my own grave here"

Keena was about to say something but I interrupted her.

"Oh and to make things better- both the Jedi and the sith are looking for me. Each side wants to have a big shot powerful anomaly on their side."

Keena took a deep breath before saying something but I interrupted her once again.

"And now I have to take back some stupid supply base and be a lab rat if I ever want to locate Anakin again!" I threw my arms up in frustration, and the two light bulbs that were in the vicinity exploded.

"So what exactly can we do?" Asked Moe. We all turned to face him since it was the first time he spoke throughout this whole interaction.

"I need you guys to be my crew for the supply base mission I owe the republic." I sighed.

Moe nodded.

"If moe's in im in" said Keena.

Pax sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Fineeee I'll go too"

Keena and I each grabbed one of his hands as we skipped out of the cafe.

I then stopped and held my hand out to Moe.

"Buddy I feel bad that you're always on the side and I'm sorry. Here take my hand." I told him.

He gave me a half smile and accepted my hand.

"Well what do you know?" Pax laughed. "Now we're all skipping like morons!"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon