28- Stop Living in my Head Rent Free

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Narrator's POV:
So you're probably thinking what the heck happened to Anakin - why are all of these side characters running around. Don't worry I didn't forget about him. He's got his own shit going on.

Anakin's POV:
I would be lying to myself if I said I never thought about Calista. After all, this woman was a big part of my life... For a while...

There were days where I wished things could've been different. Occasionally I had the stray thought that lingered on her. Whether it was her dancing with me or watching a sunset or even the times in the bedroom...

The warmth of her body against my body in bed, or the sweet kisses she'd plant all over my face...

I shook my head. I can't have my past clouding and tempting my thoughts.

No. That's not me anymore. I'm an all powerful Sith Lord who can raise hell if I wanted to. I made the right choice for myself. This isn't her choice to make.

A hologram of Darth Sidious has patched through.
"How is everything on Kanto, Darth Vader?"


"Is everything going according to plan?" He said.

"Yes and no. We have lost more stormtroopers than expected. Whoever is attacking will definitely be returning for another round. I'm aware this base takeover was just a decoy"

"See you it that you find whoever did this. And go to them. Or make them come to you."

Narrator's POV:
Now you also might be wondering how in the hell Anakin went from ditching Calista and running off to becoming lord Vader.

To answer your question, the force. Apparently the man previously known as chancellor Palpatine was also looking for Anakin. A Sith Lord searching for his sith apprentice. Why he didn't strike earlier beats me. Maybe Calista was hard to locate? Maybe darth sidious can't navigate for shit? Maybe even Sith Lords fear the unknown- after all not many knew the true powers of the anomaly.

This man is so conflicted that not even an anomaly could steer him towards the right oath. Or could she?

Anakin's POV:
The plan to take over the rebel base on Kanto was a success. Or it was. Until most of the stormtroopers positioned here were nothing but lifeless corpses. We werent supposed to lose this many.

While this base was a decoy mission, an unusually large amount of stormtroopers were dead. Even the Jedi normally wouldnt leave this many for dead.

This could not have been the work of some bounty hunter or some normal mercenary. The blaster shots were either too clean or too messy. Far too many bombs had been used for a bounty hunter's or a typical soldier's taste. Something was off.

What was the republic planning? Did they capture Calista? Is she working for them? Would she potentially come here and work for me?

Fucking hell she was on my mind again.

I shook my head and slapped myself a few times.

"Cmon Anakin stop thinking about her shes old news. She's not the power of the sith" I told myself.

I had felt a disturbance in the force during the little invasion. Would the republic send one of its few Jedi that were left? Or even better yet- they got a hold of Calista?

I shook my head. I couldn't let her cloud my mind yet again.

Whoever they were. Fine. You win this round. Not like i need this stupid base anyway.

All I knew is whoever cared enough to mess with a minor supply base will end up coming after me in the long run. They'll find their way. And I'll finally face them.

This plan was executed perfectly. Almost too perfectly. Something had to give. There's no way someone, or a group of people, came in here and slaughtered a bunch of stormtroopers and left quietly with no tracks. Someone's going to slip up somehow.

Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw an all too familiar ship. One I could recognize from anywhere. This wasn't the first time, nor the last time, I'd be seeing this ship. Along with the person or people in it.

Oh Calista, you beautiful stupid fucking bastard.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now