24- Aint no Rest for the Misfits

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Calista's POV:
After my friends grabbed their weapons we finally made our way back to my ship and settled in.

I looked over at Pax.
"I'm gonna need a copilot" I told him as he flashed me a smile. I'm glad he didn't flash me anything else. Just kidding. Pax may be a questionable person at times but he's never let me down.

"Set course for Coruscant" I told A6.

"Will do!" Responded my droid.

"Calista can we talk?" Pax asked.

"Kindof can't I'm too busy piloting the damn ship buddy"

He called over Moe and Keena as well as my droids. A6 and DD-9 seemed very confused.

"This is important" he turned to me and sighed.

"Fine" I said. "But the others will have to take over piloting the ship"

"Calista and I need a break so have fun being pilots!" Pax said as we left the room, leaving two confused people and two confused droids. I'm sure they'll figure it out. Hopefully.

We didn't walk for long until we stopped and just sat down in a hallway.

"I feel like I needed to address something" he started.

"And what might that be?" I asked him.

"The tension."

"What tension?" I raised an eyebrow, genuinely confused.

"I guess it's more on my end. I guess it's pretty obvious at this point but I have feelings for you"

"Well you could not have been any more obvious buddy. heck- you even fought another man for me!" I laughed.

"Yea," he laughed nervously. "I know you don't feel the same way about me and I guess I've just been really protective of you and I'm sorry if I've ever overstepped any boundaries"

"Pax." I turned to him. "Sure I don't see you like that but you're still one of my closest friends! The other two are currently struggling playing pilot and copilot. Yea there have been times youve pissed me off but it's normal because all friends do that every now and then. And I appreciate you caring about me."

"I'm glad I was able to clear the air with you about this." He smiled and gave me a hug, which I returned.

The moment turbulence started hitting I knew we were in trouble.

"Okay I don't think Keena and Moe are having a good time steering the ship" I laughed nervously.

"Agreed" said Pax as we got up and made our way back to the navigation part of the ship.

When I walked in, every blinking light imaginable was going off.

"Oh great heavens!" Exclaimed A6.

I tapped Moe's shoulder as he darted out of the pilot seat. Keena was far ahead of him as Pax and I had sat down in our spots and began to stabilize the ship.

Less and less of the flashy lights were blinking as my right hand steered and my left hand flicked switches and pressed buttons on my side. Pax did the same on his side.

"Ya know this is so much easier with a copilot!" I said.

Pax shot me a smile.

"That's what im here for buddy!" He responded

"Hey!" A6 sounded quite offended.

"No offense A6 but statistically I crash land more when you replace a copilot" I stated.

"Statistically your best landings were when you had Anakin at your copilot seat." Snapped back A6.

My grip tightened. I hated hearing that name after our last interaction.

"A6 if I hear that name spoken again I will personally reroute this ship and throw you into a black hole." I felt rage flipping through my body but I had to stay level headed because Pax and I had a ship to steer.

A6 backed off and left the navigation room.

Finally, Coruscant was approaching, as I prepared myself for the most difficult landing in history.

I made twists and turns around familiar buildings but this time I felt more in control. I glanced at Pax who had an intense look on his face.

I found my parking spot from last time. It was easy to recognize, since last time I was here I crash landed and left a massive dent in the landing pad.

The council greeted us as my crew and I made our way off my ship.

"Is this your crew?" Asked one of the council members, skeptically.

A few more glanced back and forth between me, my friends, and each other.

Many of them mumbled in an attempt for me to not hear what they were saying but they weren't very subtle.

"That's her crew?"

"They look like a gang of misfits"

"Are you serious"

"We're putting our lives in their hands"

"We're doomed"

"Wonderful!" Exclaimed Obiwan.

We all walked into the building and immediately we were lead to some sort of planning room.

"The base is on planet Kanto and we need help freeing it from empire control." Said one of the council members.

Pax's eyes widened.
"My mother died on Kanto"

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now