10- Deal with the Devil

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(This is your final warning that there will be mature themes and topics occurring in this story. Enjoy)

I woke up, face to face with Anakin who opened his eyes moments after I did.

"Good morning" I poked his nose playfully.

Yea he was definitely excited to see me. I could feel his Dick poking into my leg. I would much rather it be poking elsewhere but I didnt dare say anything about it to him. I got up and was about to grab some breakfast when I noticed he was now laying in his back. And pitching a tent.

"Did you want any breakfast?" I asked him.

"Yea, nothing too big though" he responded. When he said big, I briefly glanced at the tent he was pitching under my blanket and left the room.

"Why are you red miss?" Asked A6.

"Shut ip A6 I'm not red" I stormed away from my droid refusing to admit to the fact that I was bright red.

Grabbing some food from my food stash, I brought back breakfast for both myself and Anakin.

I gave him his food and sat on the edge of my bed to eat my own.

This peaceful breakfast didn't last long because my ship started shaking and an alarm started going off. DD-9 rushed into the room

"Miss the ship is in critical condition and you have to land on the nearest planet."

"And what would the nearest planet be?" I asked.

"Tatouine" responded DD-9 before rushing out of the room.

I turned to Anakin.

"Sorry but I have to go land on some random planet or else we'll crash or something" I told him. When I mentioned Tatouine he raised his eyebrows. Maybe he was familiar with the planet?

Anyways I rushed out of the room to go he ships navigation and control area.

"Fucking hell DD-9 my ship might not make it!" I yelled. I plopped myself in the sets and prepared for impact when I heard a familiar voice say "turn left"

I whipped my head around to see Anakin at the door way.

"How in the hell did you get here so fast? I swear you were eating breakfast a second ago!" I asked. He walked over to the copilot seat.

"May I?"

I nodded and he took a seat.

"Lean left there and then keep going until you're past the clouds" he instructed me. I did as he said.

We passed the clouds and I was starting to panic a bit until he calmly said

"Lean right"

I turned right

"Circle around"

I followed his instructions and next thing you know we landed with minimal damage. I turned to him.

"Holy crap buddy how the hell did you know what to do?"

"I'm a pilot" he smirked at me. I wrapped him in a big hug, which was definitely not what he was expecting.

After taking that moment, I turned around and looked at the little town.

"Now if only I knew where the local bar was" I said.

"I grew up here I'll take you." He responded. He led me down a few streets and an alley and we ended up in a bar. A cloud smoke of smoke made its way to my face, briefly clouding my vision.

We got ourselves a booth and I ordered the first rough of drinks. Within the next five minutes a lizard looking man slid into our booth.

"Words on the street that you lookin for a new deflector plate" he said

"Wow word travels fast" I raised my eyebrows.

"However I need you to do a job for me." The lizard man smirked.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"Jabba owes me something. I know, shocker. Big crime lords are usually the ones everyone ELSE is in debt to. But he has something very important to me. He has my precious golden egg."

"The fuck do you need an egg for?" I asked.

"The fuck you need a deflector plate for?" He responded.

Well he had me there.

"Names Sid." He extended his hand out for me to shake. "Meet back here in 24 hours. Or else"

"Or else what? I tiled my head to the side.

"Or else no deflector plate. And maybe even for fun I'll expose your identity. A number of us know that you're the anomaly in the force and that you're one of he most powerful beings." Sid hissed.

"Entertain me: If I'm supposedly one of the most powerful beings how would you even consider trying to capture me?" I laughed.

"Nothings impossible for a bounty hunter." He said. He then turned to Anakin. "Your girl here, she's a hot commodity. You better keep her in check" sneered Sid.

He was about to get up when he turned back to us.
"Oh and Jabba's men are about to sweep the place so you're better off either hiding or getting out of here. You're welcome." And he walked away.

Turns out his info checks out because moments later a bunch of people and alien creatures stormed the bar which I assumed were Jabba's men.

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now