34- Turning the Tables

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Calista's POV:
Obiwan stayed silent but turned redder than a tomato.

"Well why does it matter?" I snapped back at Anakin. "You're the one who left ME! Remember that. Besides, the council wouldnt believe you!"

Rage filled Anakin as his eyes burned a bright yellow.

"Why would you sleep with fucking Obiwan?" Shrieked Anakin.

"Why did you leave me for power huh? You chose the powers of the dark side over me!" I yelled back.

"She didn't do anything wrong Anakin. You basically abandoned her." Said Obiwan.

"Shut up!" Anakin yelled as he used the force to throw a chair at Obiwan who easily threw the chair aside. "East for you to say Obiwan you slept with her!"

"So you do still have feelings for her?" Asked Obiwan, as he tilted his head to the side.

Anakin did not confirm or deny that statement but he did respond by using the force to throw Obiwan across the room.

The wall was left with a dent, but Obiwan was able to gather his strength to stand up.

"Leave him alone!" I screamed at Anakin as tears fell from my eyes. Seeing him hurt people broke my heart.

Moments later Palpatine- or was it sidious? - walked back into the room, clearly annoyed.

"What in the fuck is going on here?!" He yelled.

"Oh shit did we wake up grandpa?" I joked.

"Not a time for jokes, Calista" responded Obiwan who was immediately put into a force chokehold by Palpatine.

"Give it up anomaly you're outnumbered!" Yelled Palpatine, followed by his evil cackle.

"I have a name you know, it's Calista!" I shouted.

"well so do I. It is Darth sidious to you, not 'grandpa' or 'old man'" responded Palpatine.

He continued to keep Obiwan in a chokehold and I knew if I didn't do something soon he would die because of me.

"FINE!" I screamed. "I will join your side. My only condition is that you let him go. And my other friends you imprisoned."

Both Anakin and Palpatine were surprised, which thankfully caused Palpatine to drop Obiwan to the ground.

"So you've finally come to your senses." Responded Palpatine.

Anakin avoided my gaze.

"Lord Vader, accompany the anomaly to release her useless little friends. Make sure she does not try anything" palpatine waved and then he left.

That was weirdly simple. Almost too simple. Anakin nodded and proceeded to lead me down a series of hallways. Each hallway was more bland and boring than the next. All of them gave off eerie vibes.

Finally, we reached the place where my friends were being held prisoner.

"Calista!" They cheered but were genuinely confused to see Anakin towering over me. I avoided the gazes of my friends as I watched Anakin release them from their cell.

Stormtroopers accompanied my friends as Anakin and I walked behind them. 

My friends faces fell when they realized that I had traded my freedom for theirs. Even Obiwan, who I considered a friend at this point was disappointed in how things had played out.

They had all followed me here so I felt responsible for putting their lives in danger. So I felt obligated to make sure they were safe. Me however, that's a whole other story.

"Calista you don't have to do this!" Pax yelled.

"Yes I do." I calmly responded. "It would break me to see my closest people suffer. For your freedom I have traded mine." I couldn't bear to see them leave so I turned away.

"You'll be heading back to my quarters" said Anakin as he guided me back through several hallways. The moment we reached his room he slammed the door shut and turned the lock.

For a moment he sat at the edge of his bed and buried his head in his hands. I carefully sat down on the little couch like thing on the other side of the small room. In an attempt avoid conflict or confrontation I stayed still.

"Why..." he whispered to himself. "Why why why"

He turned to me and glared at me. The hatred burned through his yellow eyes.

"You," he started. "I hate you!" He screamed at me and threw a pillow at me, hitting me straight in gut.

Ow. He used the force to throw that and it hurt. This side of him scared me. I didn't respond to him but I gratefully took the pillow and rolled over onto my other side so I wouldnt be facing him.

Somehow, I felt that part of him still cared about me. Because my circumstances could have been worse. He could have easily killed me or thrown me into a prison cell or could've done worse things. While I may be more powerful than him, he made me feel a vulnerability I had never felt with anyone.

After a bit I glanced over to where he was and saw he was asleep. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Tensions were high tonight and I don't think I was the only one who felt that way. Why does my body yearn for the man I'm fighting?

A Glitch in the Force - an Anakin Skywalker x OC slow burn story Where stories live. Discover now