Don't look back- Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

I was confused as to why Jessica was so apprehensive before she left.

I sighed and pulled my pony tail tighter as I walked down the stairs to the dinning area.

I sat down across from Jessica. I could feel her starring at me so I looked up and cocked my head to the side and mouthed 'what'. She just rolled her lips into her mouth, something-she did when she was nervous-and shock her head before mouthing 'nothing.'

“Okay girls, as you know I have a business trip and I’m going to be gone for a month.” we both nodded just as the maid came in and set our plates in front of us.

I smiled politely at her before she walked away into the kitchen.

“Alexa, I’m sorry about what I told you in the car earlier I didn't mean to offend you in any way.” I smiled at my step-mom and set down my fork and knife.

“It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. I was just..... caught off guard I guess.” I shrugged and turned back to my plate.

“What are you talking about Mom?” Jessica looked from her mom to me confused.

I looked down not really wanting to say anything.

“I was telling Alexa that I really don't trust this Justin and I don't really think he's the best person for her.”

I sighed and drummed my fingers on the table.

“Oh....” Jessica looked down at her food and started to move it around I starred at her confused trying to figure out what her problem was.

I really wanted to know what was wrong with Jessica, and why she wasn't telling me anything. I also wanted to know why Tiffany didn't like Justin. It all really confused me. I snapped out of my thoughts when it was oddly quiet and I felt everyone's eyes on me. I looked down and saw I was cutting my mashed potatoes.

My face flushed a deep red and I put down the silver ware.

“Sorry, I was uh just thinking I guess...” I trailed off not knowing what to say.

I heard Jessica let out a giggle and I looked up to glare at her, she stopped immediately.

I smiled and picked up my fork and started to eat.


I was sitting in bed trying to catch up with my homework when I heard a knock on the door. My heart started beating fast when I remembered my dream.

“C-come in.” I saw Jessica come in dressed in her pajamas and I let out a breath I was holding. My heart beat started to slowly return to normal.

“Hey Jess,what's up?” I closed my Trig book and set it on the floor near my bed.

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