Fem MuTan

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Jira and Muzan enemies right? Wrong lovers, Demons didn't know, but Harisha did, because Jira wouldn't stop talking about her and caught them making out.

Jira was talking to Mitsuri. Mitsuri said, "what is Muzan like?". Jira said, "what do you mean?". Mitsuri said, "like good in bed or~". Jira said, "oh we never done it... I have been scared to ask her". Mitsuri said, "why? Lesbian panic". Jira said, "that and... She's just been busy... So I don't wanna bug her". Mitsuri giggled. Kagaya said, "hello dear children". Everyone said, "Hello master". Jira sees Kunia, crying. Kagaya said, "Kunia... Wanna explain?". Kunia cried louder and said, "Nezuko died by a demon slayer!!!". Jira just stood silent and let a tear down her face, covering her mouth. Giyuu hid his face in Sanemi's chest letting out a tear. Sanemi just sighed. Jira screamed. Everyone covered their ears. Muzan appeared and hugged Jira and said, "shhh~ what happened baby girl". Jira said, "Nezuko died!!". Muzan said, "... Shh~". Muzan let a tear down her face. Muzan held Jira's waist and said, "...I am so sorry love". Jira said, "how am I am gonna break this to the others... ".

Zenitsu said, "don't bother". Jira looked to see the rest of the squad and stood silent. Zenitsu yelled, "You are an older sister, you shouldn've protect her!!". Genya said, "ZENITSU!! YOU DON'T EVER SAY THAT!!". Inosuke said, "no he right!! Jirta should've protect her. Kanao said, "enough both of you!! She tried!! It isn't her fault...". Inosuke and Zenitsu left in anger. Muzan placed her hand on Jira's shoulder and said, "I would kill them... But I have important things to do.. 1 is to make my baby feel better". Jira blushed and looked away. Muzan said, "I will be back with her~". Kanao said, "nee- San... Did I go over board on the yelling?". Shinobu said, "no you didn't... You were correct". Genya sighed lowly and said, "what a shitty day". Everyone nodded.

With Muzan and Jira

Jira was in Muzan's office laying on her chest, Muzan was on the couch. Muzan said, "you okay now?". Jira nodded and said, "sorry for bringing you into my mess... Again...". Muzan said, "I heard your scream... I knew something bad happened... Didn't know that it was that bad...". There was a knock, Jira just didn't care. Muzan said, "come in". It was Akaza and said, "I finished my mission mistress, mu-". Akaza saw Jira, laying on her chest. Akaza said, "a human?". Muzan said, "are you questioning my love life?". Akaza was silent and said, "no ma'me". Muzan said, "go". Akaza did. Jira said, "I am hungry". Muzan said, "come on let's go into the kitchen". Jira nodded. Muzan teleported them into the kitchen. Daki jumped back and said, "damn it". Jira giggled and said, "didn't mean to scare you". "Well I meant it", Muzan said. Jira said, "whatever you say". Daki thought, 'She is trying to die?". Muzan smirked and said, "you trying to die Jira?". Jira said, "by your tits? Then yes I am~". Daki spit out her drink as Muzan smirked.

They teleported to the meeting area. The lower moons and uppermoons appeared. Jira said, "seriously, I hate it when you teleport me". Enmu said, "yes mistress Muzan". Muzan said, "I have a task for you all". Jira was confused. Muzan said, "I want you to find this demon slayer". Everyone was confused. Muzan said, "I got some information from someone... And I want you to him... His name is Akira Tysoki". Doma said, "may I ask why? My mistress?". Jira glared at Doma for the question. Muzan said, "he killed someone dear to me and someone else". Doma said, "understandable Mistress". Akaza looks up to see Jira. Muzan said, "Akaza I see you met Jira Kamado". Everyone looked up to see Jira close to Muzan. Enmu said, "a human?". Tanjiro said, "ah I remember you... You almost made me regret leaving my past... And you almost Rengoku- San". Akaza said, "your were the one who threw it at me!?". Jira nodded. Akaza said, "your so glad your a girl". Jira said, "jeez didn't know male demons can respect women". Muzan cleared her throat from trying not laugh, but failed a bit. Muzan laughed a bit. Jira said, "better watch Muzan~". Daki said, "damn...". Doma said, "do you not fear death kid?". Jira said, "like I said, if I wanted to die, I wanted her to suffocate me with her tits". Muzan smirked and said, "your so damn bold". Jira said, "means I am serious... Mistress~". Doma coughed out all of his sliliva. Jira laughed and said, "I got him!!". Muzan said, "settle down love". Jira said, "my apology it was to great to pass". Muzan just shook her head and said, "alright you dork". Muzan said, "now go find the slayer". All the demons left.

Jira came back. Mitsuri said, "how was it?". Jira said, "okay... Who gave Muzan info about the slayer that killed my sister". Kagaya said, "Giyuu Tomoika". Giyuu said, "hey, if I can't kill the little shit, I would want a demon to do". Jira bursts out laughing and rolled on the floor. Kagaya said, "understandable".

Jira calmed down and said, "anyway Mitsuri it was fine, I was being a little shit though". "When are you not?", Giyuu asked. Jira said, "you bitch". Giyuu laughed a bit. Shinobu said, "how so?". Jira said, "soo I had a feeling that demons were asking if I wanted you die or asking for it because I decided to be a brat just for fun and... It ends me saying I would gladly suffocate on your tits and Upper Rank 2 dying". Mitsuri said, "... I don't weather to call you a whore or call you stupid". "Just call me a stupid whore I know I am~", Jira said. Mitsuri and Shinobu bursts out laughing.

They both got married and had two little girls names Jirzan and Haruka.

The End
Word Count: 1003 words

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