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Tanjiro left after arguing with his ex boyfriend, Zenitsu after finding out that Zenitsu cheated on him with Kanao a few hours ago. Tanjiro was in the woods at night, with his sword, he soon fell down, hitting his head on a hard stone causing him black out.

He soon woke up in a room and groans in pain. A demon pushed him back down gently and said, "calm down... Your okay... You hit your head badly". Tanjiro soon did and woke up fully to see a room full of demons and Muzan. He look terrified at first but calm down as he sees a demon with marks on his face like black ink, black hair with green on the tips that was wavy. He sighed a bit and said, " what happened". Douma said, "I found you passed out on the ground, he look like you were crying badly". Tanjiro looked at Douma and nods a bit in understanding. He sees that he was changed into a black shirt and grey sweatpants. He said, " who changed me? ". " Kokushibou did", Akaza said, pointing to a demon that looks like him. Tanjiro looked at him and said, "you remind me of my dad before he died of a sickness... ". Kokushibou looked at him in shock. Tanjiro smiled a bit.

Daki asked, " So... Why were you crying...?". Tanjiro went dead silent and said, "My boyfriend cheated on me and I found out when I saw him kissing my best friend.... So yeah...". Tanjiro stretches a bit and said, " Anyway... Can I go now... I don't wanna worry my friends and my sister... Oh god Nezuko... ". Muzan looked at him panicking and smiled, " I will let you go... ". "Thank you Muzan", Tanjiro bowed politely. Muzan let him go and Tanjiro ran back to Harisha mansion. Tanjiro entered and was surrounded by hugs. Tanjiro said, " How long was I gone for... ". " 2 days!! ", Mitsuri said, checking his head injury. Tanjiro said, " Hey I am fine okay... I had a few people help me with it... ". Nezuko was in the shade. Tanjiro pulled her into a hug and said, " Are you okay...". Nezuko nodded. Tanjiro smiled softly and said, "I care for you... A lot....". Muzan appeared in the shade and everyone went to protect mode. Muzan said, " You forgot your sword and Haori....". Muzan handed Tanjiro his stuff and left. Tanjiro checked his swords and cleans it with sword cleaner. Senami said, "THOSE PEOPLE WHO HELP YOU WERE DEMONS!!! ". " Yeah trust me I was shocked to be alive as well", Tanjiro said, calmly as possible. Senami and Shinobu fainted. Tanjiro freaked out and said, "Ahh!! senami-Kun!! Shinobu-San!!!". He layed them in the shade and sat by them waiting for them to wake up.

A few hours later, Shinobu and Senami did and woke up to Tanjiro said, " Are you two okay!! Please tell me your okay... ". Everyone chuckled at his worried mood for the two. Shinobu said, "I am fine thank you, Tanjiro". " me to brat...", Senami said. Tanjiro breathes calmly and smiled. Tanjiro looked around to see Zenitsu and Kanao under a tree making out like no tomorrow. Tanjiro had dead and dull eyes as he saw them. Nezuko hugged him and muffled, "He isn't worth it!!". Tanjiro smiled and nodded. Tanjiro got up and walk past them standing on a rock then sat down. Tanjiro smirked ever so softly remembering the song his mother sang. Tanjiro sang it,

My dear sweet child no need
to cry I will hold you tight
So sleep all your
worries and cares away,

no need to be scared you
are out of harm's way
I will keep you safe and
warm, love you every day
Reach your tiny hands for the light,
take your future and
make it shine so bright
With every lie I am
crumbling and dying inside,
wanting save you with all of my might
But this world is against
me and i can not fight
They steal you away,
out of my sight

But I still pray and I hope
that you'll live past today
Find your own strength,
please my dears run away
Don't be weak or afraid

Let your hope lead the way
I hope, and i pray
You will be alright

"What is that song, Tanjiro?", Giyuu asked. Tanjiro said, " my mother used to sing that to me when I was little... ". Nezuko smiled and nodded in agreement with Tanjiro.

Tanjiro and the others soon went to bed and Tanjiro remembered what Gyutaru looked like and blushed slightly. He soon let sleep overtake him.

3 months later after the incident. Tanjiro has visit the uppermoons and yes, the Harisha knew this. Tanjiro said, " Nakime~". A door appeared and Tanjiro went in. The harisha was just use to this.

Tanjiro was talking to Daki about style, Nakime about Music, Douma about anything, Akaza about fist fighting he just recently learned, with Kokushibou he would talk about the sun breathing he learned along with water breathing.
And random stuff with the other uppermoons even Kaigaku would listen to him. Tanjiro was just walking around and sees Kaigaku and Gyutaru arguing about Daki dating Kaigaku. Tanjiro just had to urge to say... ,"I am telling my father about this...". Tanjiro walked off and yelled, "Kokushibou!!! Muzan!! Kaigaku and Gyutaru are arguing again!!". Gyutaru and Kaigaku sweat drop as the felt two dark arua behind them. Tanjiro said, " hands off of Gyutaru... Kaigaku left marks on Daki... ". Daki blushed and yelled, " I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE!!".

Muzan and Kokushibou knew why Tanjiro said Don't touch Gyutaru. Tanjiro hugged Gyutaru wrapping his legs around his waist. Gyutaru blushed and said, "T- tanjiro... ". Muzan had sent a glare at Gyutaru who just sweat drop as looked at Muzan. Tanjiro jumped off of Gyutaru and sees Kaigaku on the floor traumatized and a black eye. Tanjiro looked at him and healed it.

Tanjiro soon came back and Daki said, " Never again Tanjiro ". "Bye Tanjiro", everyone said. Tanjiro said, " see ya... ".

Nezuko was in her room trying to figure out how to let Tanjiro come with and just decided to ask him. Later as Tanjiro was about to enter the infinity fortress the Harisha just wanted to come with. Tanjiro asked the others and they just said okay.

Harisha was talking to the uppermoons as Muichiro and Gyokko were in a corner hiding in the dark. Muzan, Kokushibou and the Master were just chilling talking to each other. Rengoku and Giyuu was talking to Akaza and Douma. Shinobu and Mitsuri were by Nakime and Daki. Senami and Genya was talking to Kaigaku along with Zenistu and Inosuke. Kanao was by Nakime also. Tanjiro was talking to Gyutaru. They just talked along with Tengen and his wive's talking to Daki.

Tanjiro looked at the time and said, " Dang we should go to bed... ". Muzan said, " oh right.... Tanjiro your room is well Gyutaru's room... ". Tanjiro said, " duh... Let's go Gyutaru... ". After Muzan said room partners.

Tanjiro and Gyutaru
Daki and Mitsuri (also Nezuko)
Shinobu and Nakime (also Kanao)
Senami and Giyuu
Kokushibou and Muzan
Douma and Iguro
Kaigaku and Zenitsu
Rengoku and Akaza
Muichiro, Genya, and Gyokko
Kagaya and his wife
Tengen and his wives

After 4 months after that, Tanjiro was locked in a room with Gyutaru... Again... This happened 3 times now.
Tanjiro was talking to Gyutaru. Gyutaru blushed and said, " can I tell you something ". Tanjiro nodded.

Gyutaru said, " I like you... ".

Tanjiro said, " I like you too Gyu.. ".

They kissed a bit.

The End
Word Count: 1266 words

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