AoiTan (Female Tanjiro)

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Tanjiro goes by Jira

Jira was talking to Kanao and sees Aoi and said, "Who's that?". " Ah... That is Aoi... Our healer", Sumi said, holding a blue butterfly plush. Jira blushes slightly and said, "She's cute...". Kanao looked at her and said, "meh...".

Jira walked to Aoi and said, " Hey". "Mhm? Oh... Your the rock head from the trial right", Aoi said. Jira chuckled and said, "I guess...". Aoi said, "not bad for a low rank...". Jira said, "What? the anger issues dude stab my sister...". Aoi looked at her and softly laughed. Jira laughed as well.

A month later

Jira and Aoi gotten closer than normal friends do and Jira said, " Ooo~ look Aoi Dango~". Aoi sighed and bought them both one. Jira took it and smiled.

Jira said, "This was fun...". Aoi nodded and said, " Mhm? Look at the stars". Jira did and smiled softly. Aoi said, "... The moon is lovely out tonight". Jira blushes and said, "agree...". Aoi said, " You okay?". Jira nodded. Aoi nodded and grabbed her hand.

They got home

Tanjiro said, "Oo~ a purple rose Aoi- chan~". Aoi picked it and puts it in her hair and said, " looks beautiful ". Jira blushed slightly and looked away. Aoi smiled softly and said, " Let's get inside". Jira nodded and they both got inside the Butterfly estate.

Aoi said, "Hey... Jira... Can I tell you something...?". " sure", Jira said, with a smile. Aoi sighed and grabbed her hands together and said, "Will you be my girlfriend?...". Jira was silent and said, " yes... Yes I will Aoi...". Aoi smiled and kissed her on the lips and they were both very happy. Jira kissed her cheek and said, "I love you". " I love you to dear", Aoi said, with a smile. Everyone was happy.

The End
Word Count: 300 words

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