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Barging in their room, Preeta threw her bag on the couch and went to cupboard for her night clothes. Her mind was stressed for thinking so much of the scenario that took place in the market.

It was Karan's mere gesture of showing that she was his but what would have gone through Prithvi's mind? Would he have feel bad about that? He said that he loved her and seeing her getting kissed by Karan would have surely broken his heart.

Preeta took a shaky breathe and picked out her night gown. She rubbed her forehead and still couldn't stop thinking about the humiliation that Prithvi had gone through.

"Preeta," came her husband's voice but she immediately started walking towards the bathroom. Just as she reached the door, Karan entered the room while panting and instantly his eyes fell on her.

"Preeta." Without even giving him a glance, she entered the bathroom and locked the door.

While showering, even then her mind was assuming the hurt someone could feel at that moment. She knew the feeling. She too had felt that hurt when Arjun had told her about Natasha.

Since childhood, she had developed a crush on Arjun. But hearing loving words for some other girl from his mouth, had squeezed her heart so hard. She wished, no lover would see that happening.

She wasn't into that much love with Arjun but she had felt bad. But Prithvi, he said, he loved her. The pain could only be guessed as worse than she had felt at her time.

This mere act of Karan was wrong in every senses. He loved her and there was no need to show anybody about that. She knew his love and that should be enough for Karan. Why did he need to prove that to Prithvi? What was he even implying?

How many times, she tried to ignore that scene but she couldn't​ deny that she was disappointed at Karan! She thought while putting off the shower.

After wiping herself with towel, she wore her night gown and got out of the bathroom. Her husband was sitting on the couch while putting his chin on his intertwined hands.

Just as she walked ahead, Karan looked at her. He stood up and reached her side. "Preeta, it wasn't what you think. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I am not hurt, Karan." She whispered softly while looking in the mirror but Karan desperately held her hand.

"But you look hurt. I didn't know it would hurt you. You know, how my mind works. That dick head's face had spoiled my whole mood. I couldn't control myself..."

Preeta breathed out and looked at him with a sad smile. Inside, she was still not happy with his actions but she knew that he would never want to hurt her and apologising for it could never fail to melt her heart. She knew that he couldn't sit in peace if she was mad at him.

"But I know you are disappointed. You gave me that look. You ran inside the home as if I was after you with a dagger in my hand..." He trailed off but stopped when he saw Preeta's face falling slowly.

He immediately put a finger under her chin and lifted her face. He stared in her eyes and noticed her mood was totally down.

"Preeta, I am sorry."

Preeta gulped and closed her while shaking her head. "It's alright. I am feeling bad for him. Maybe I am thinking too much. But I know that wasn't needed. That kiss, you didn't need to do that."

Karan's face turned stunned as he heard her words carefully. His heart dropped in jealousy that he was feeling. Was his wife defending another man? The man because of whom his sister had fallen for a jerk. That manipulative son of Malhotra!

How dare she took his side!

He glared at her. "So you are saying, he didn't need to know that you are mine. Have you seen his face? That bastard thinks, he could plan on hurting me by trapping my wife and sister. That kiss was nothing comparable to that. I should have lifted your top and caressed your stomach, would have showed him you are pregnant. His manipulating ass would have burnt in trauma."

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