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Preeta AroraFather: Raghuveer Arora Mother: Sarla Arora Friends: Shreya, Arjun (Chandigarh)Prithvi, Raamya, Raashi (Delhi)

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Preeta Arora
Father: Raghuveer Arora
Mother: Sarla Arora
Friends: Shreya, Arjun (Chandigarh)
Prithvi, Raamya, Raashi (Delhi)

Preeta AroraFather: Raghuveer Arora Mother: Sarla Arora Friends: Shreya, Arjun (Chandigarh)Prithvi, Raamya, Raashi (Delhi)

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The Karan Luthra
Father: Mahesh Luthra
Mother: Rakhi Luthra
Cousin Sis: Kritika Luthra
Best Friend: Kabir

The Karan LuthraFather: Mahesh Luthra Mother: Rakhi Luthra Cousin Sis: Kritika Luthra Best Friend: Kabir

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Ayaan Mehta
Father: Suraj Mehta
Mother: Sheila Mehta


8 months ago...

"You shouldn't have insulted that boy like that, Raghuveer ji. What if he try to harm us?"

Sarla, looked at her husband with nervousness in her eyes. Her husband nodded but decided to reply after thinking what had happened last night. They had just finished their dinner and were sitting in their bedroom, thinking how they had insulted Karan  last night when he came to apologise for his deeds. Karan was forgiven but giving him permission to rule their daughter's life was not in their true senses to do.

"Don't worry, he will not harm us unless he knows that we are important to Preeta. I forgave him for that slap. I forgave him for scaring our daughter. But when he said about marrying her, it was ridiculous."

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