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The air was blowing her hair but was failing in refreshing her mind. Preeta was so much forced by herself to think about his words.

This broken heart will swell with happiness and pride when you'll be my bride.

How could someone be so stub born? Preeta had always thought his love as an obsession. It was stuck in her mind that Karan was mad at her because she could be the only girl who had rejected him. Preeta had even thought once if his love was actually 'love'. But how could it be possible?

He was rich, handsome, popular and so much deserving than her. She had always thought of herself as a middle class, shy, introvert girl. How could someone so elegant like Karan could be mad in true love with her?

Preeta shut her eyes to destroy these type of thoughts. It wasn't true love at all. Moreover, Karan was nowhere to be called a good guy. He was arrogant, dominant and mean. Someone kindhearted like herself could never spend her whole life with someone cruel like him.

Preeta groaned in annoyance. Her head was laid on the car window as she was enjoying the air blowing. But instead of feeling peace and relaxation, she was thinking about that Karan only. His words, his threats, his actions, everything related to him had occupied her mind.

Now even when she was going to her home back in Chandigarh to meet the boy who had been selected by her parents, she was still thinking about him. Preeta wasn't even feeling nervous. She was calm but annoyed because of his thoughts.

Her nephew, Vivaan had lighten up the mood in the car. Her sister-in-law and brother were sitting at the front seats. They were talking to each other very calmly, naughtily. The romance between her brother and sister-in-law gave Preeta a hope to think about her future.

Would there come a day when she too would be talking to her husband like that? Would he too see her with so much love and adoration?

A thought came in her mind again about him. Karan had always looked at her with love and adoration but it had always seemed lust to Preeta. She had thought of him like those boys, who just wanted to get in the girls' pants. Then, they would eventually get bore of her.

Preeta leaned back in her seat and thought once again. From the day, Karan had seen her for the first time. He was so arrogant, dangerous, and cruel. He still was. Back then, he was a player boy. Now, Preeta hadn't heard about any news of him involving with any other girl from the last two years.

Her old friend, Shreya from Chandigarh had also told her about his social image. He had been improving since the day he had joined his father's company. He is employed and clever. But what about his nature, behaviour and etiquettes?

He was mean. He slapped her father. He kidnapped her. He had manhandled her many times. Over all, Preeta couldn't stop herself from hating him. She was now afraid too.

I will remove that boy from my way.

What if Karan was seriously going to harm the boy she was going to meet? Preeta was worried. But seeing that there would be her parents, her brother, she felt a little supported. She knew that Karan couldn't harm her when her family would there to support her.

There would be no way Karan could be her husband. Before he could take any other cruel step, she just wanted to meet the guy and say yes for the marriage. Moreover, she was wishing that the boy should be sweet, caring, well mannered and kindhearted, just like Arjun.

Her heart ached thinking how her first choice was so very far from her. Arjun could never be like that Preeta used to dream of him as. He was just a friend. He could never be her life partner. She had lost him long time ago and now there was just a thread like link between them.

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