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"... You have been a great husband. It's my time. Its my turn." Weeping silently, she waited for him to speak. But he said nothing.

Slowly she felt his hands moving away from her waist and her heart shattered. "Preeta, I think you are stressed by that secret. I did it because your father's my father too. So, it's nothing. C'mon sleep."

Karan slowly tried to shift from the bed but Preeta held his wrist. He turned nervous seeing hurt in her eyes. "You don't want me, anymore. You want her. The client whom you are gifting nightdresses." She sobbed while slowly getting up from the bed.

"Of course, you could like her. When you have this sick, stubborn wife who has never let you touch her, you would absolutely find pleasure with others. I totally deserve this. Totally. Of course, you would want her..." She repeated but was silenced when she felt Karan's tight hold on her arm. He angrily turned her and glared at her in shock.

"What is wrong with you, Preeta? What client? What dress? What the hell you are talking about?" He yelled while squeezing her arm tight. She squirmed but stared at him in shock. "Now you are going to deny it to me. The gift. The gift in your cupboard. That red lacy lingerie. I read the note. I saw it. You want sexual relations with her. For God's sake, you are married. Not that time but some day, I would have to give in to your needs. When I couldn't allowed you, you started having affair with your clients." Karan squeezed his eyes shut in so much misunderstanding.

He finally agreed that Preeta was truly a hard thinker. How much she was misunderstood with so much over thinking? Why the hell she had to check out that fucking gift which held a different meaning and intention all along?

Shaking his head, he jerked her shoulder. "Shut up. Shut it up. Stop it now." He panted while staring at his beautiful wife's tear-stained face. Her tears were stabbing his heart and it made him angry like hell.

"God, Preeta..." He held her hand and pulled her to the bed. He made her sit on the bed and himself sat in front of her just like they were seated before. Staring at her tear-pooled eyes, he clenched his jaws. Holding her face, he wiped her cheeks and made her look at him.

"The gift, the red-lacy night dress..." He rolled his eyes. "... was my actual gift for you on our wedding night." Her heart hammered wildly in her chest at hearing those words. Her lips parted in shock. "I had brought it for you. I didn't know if you would think of it as a serious gift or a prank. But I was certain that at that time, you would definitely think of me as a cheap, pervert man. So, I changed my mind and hid it." He completed and panted hard while staring at her wide eyes.

"You said, it's a gift for your client." She whispered reluctantly.

Karan looked at her with frustrated face. "Are you kidding me, Preeta? I did so much to marry you, so I could gift these lingeries to other women. You are so naive for God's sake." Her cheeks reddened in shame as she lowered her eyes and bit her lip. The guilt, the embarrassment and now she was feeling ashamed of her accusations. She looked here and there beside her lap and finally thought about getting away from Karan. She felt like she couldn't meet his eyes now.

Just as she tried to make a move, Karan held her waist with his big hands. With one hand, he wiped her wet cheeks and removed the strands falling on her face. The environment had turned from serious to hot to normal but now Preeta was feeling extreme heat on her face. She just wanted to push her face in the pillow and scream to vanish the embarrassment.

"So, my wife was jealous."

Preeta stared wide-eyed at Karan. "No." She cried in embarrassment.

Karan laughed heartily and slowed down while pulling Preeta closer to him. Her hands palmed his chest while her face was inches away from his. Bringing his mouth closer to her ear, he huskily whispered,"Yes, you are." Preeta couldn't help but bit her lip to stop herself from smiling at her stupidity. She was actually stupid to even think that Karan could do something like that.

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