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Even when she was late to reach home and had suffered very heart freezing incident with Prithvi, Preeta couldn't stop thinking about the scenario she had seen when her car was stopped in between the traffic.

She was sure, the girl in the car was Kritika only. Even Shreya had nodded that the girl was none other than Karan's dear sister. The problem wasn't that Kritika was roaming and enjoying. The problem was Preeta's conscience that the boy with whom she was, she had seen him before. She couldn't remember but she knew, he wasn't a good guy. She couldn't ignore the tension building in her head. But just as she reached the door to her bedroom, all her worries flew away. It was now just Karan that was in her mind.

She stared at the door in thought. Karan's behaviour was so unpredictable for her. She didn't know how he would react. But she knew so very well that the foreign clients were so important for him and he couldn't bear the risk of any discomfort caused to them.

Inhaling a large amount of air, Preeta finally opened the door and entered. Her eyes roamed on every single thing in their bedroom. Every single thing was there in its place but where the hell was her husband. She looked at the bathroom door and it was ajar. Absentmindedly, keeping the bags on nearby chair, Preeta stepped ahead in the bedroom. She rubbed her forehead in the thought.

She wished that she shouldn't have gone to the shopping. It was a flop idea. She unnecessarily bought that dress. She felt beautiful in it. But that Prithvi had spoiled the fun. She felt exposed when he had seen her in that dress. She felt as if it was cursed now.

Her gaze wandered to the closet as she was thinking about changing clothes but gasped when met the stern eyes of her husband. There stood, The Karan Luthra with his whole scary aura around him. His face was as stern as he could be while his muscles were bulging in anger as he had clenched jaws and crossed arms. He had taken support of the cupboard and now, he was totally staring at her making her feel extremely nervous.

"Where were you?"

His cold voice had ripped her confidence into pieces. She was mentally quivering in fear. This was not normal. Karan looked angry and she was now really feeling uncertain. She saw him again asking through clenched jaws.

"Mrs. Preeta Karan Luthra, where were you?"

Her heart was beating so fast that she couldn't breathe properly. Her breath hitched as she gulped the lump that was forming. She didn't remember the last time when Karan had stared so coldly at her like that. Her heart was squeezing in anxiety.

"I... I told you. I was accompanying Shreya for sh... shopping." She stuttered while glancing at the shopping bags.

She screamed mentally when Karan slowly raised himself from the cupboard and slowly walked towards her. Just as he approached her, Preeta's eyes lowered in a familiar fear. It had been a long time but all those glimpses were still alive. Her eyes met his and all she could see, was the same Karan approaching her who had kidnapped her. He had manhandled her, threatened her.

Her breaths quickened in the cold environment. She couldn't come up to ease this tension.

"I have told you about the guests. Haven't I?" He said while walking behind her. Preeta fidgeted with her fingers while nodding hesitantly.

"I know but I swear, Karan. I tried my best to reach on time. Shreya was being so careless and while returning, there was a long jam. I..." Her voice cracked when Karan finally stood in front of her with crossed arms.

He was looking at her with those blank expressions and Preeta's heart was breaking. She couldn't see things turning wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen. Never had she felt so irresponsible before. She should have left the mall before time so she could have reached early. Now, she would be facing her husband's wrath.

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