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Sitting quietly on the bed, Preeta played with drape of her saree in thought. From last two days, she had been feeling so left out.

Her mother-in-law was busy in preparing for the gifts for the upcoming wedding while her father-in-law kept himself busy to look over his company's progress. She had noticed how he had balanced his official and personal life so perfectly. When his employees needed him, he was already there for help, for the work but since, Karan had taken all the responsibilities, her father-in-law spend leisure time at home too.

She couldn't even expect a smile from Kritika now. She had gotten upset for god knows why. Preeta was ready to do anything to maintain her bonding with the girl but she was afraid if a little approach would worsen it.

Moreover, Karan too hadn't given her much attention these days. She knew that he was still not happy how she had hid things from him. But she had promised in her heart that she wouldn't do it again.

It had been more than three months since her wedding and she had gotten the true image of Karan in her mind. She now understood that he wasn't a bad person, that he was when they weren't married. It was his love that made him did all of that.

It was wrong, all wrong, extremely wrong. But at least, he had admitted his mistakes on time and had made her comfortable with him. His family loved her, he loved her and Preeta had never imagined her future better than this.

Slowly by each passing day, she couldn't ignore the feelings that were growing in her heart for her husband. He was caring, he was loving. What could she ask more from him! She had realised it the day when he had been upset with her for being late for those clients meeting.

She couldn't see the disappointment in his eyes. She couldn't let down the man who loved her so much. Why all of a sudden, she had started caring for what he thought of her? Three years ago, she hated him to the core.

He was the same man who had beaten her best friend like a beast. He had slapped her father, kidnapped her, threatened her.

But now, she couldn't deny how he has miraculously changed. He had took care of her father's health, he had married her, loved her.

The most brain-twisting thing was that he hadn't claimed her body.

Frequent teases, naughty comments were his normal behavior. From past months, she had grown up to love the moments when they would make out till they couldn't breathe. She couldn't deny that she loved all of it.

His closeness, his touch, his breaths on her neck, his hands on her waist- she liked it all. He was handsome, tall and muscular. The way he smirked at her, the way he would flaunt his bare body to seduce her naughtily, the way he would get possessive of her. She loved it all.

She could now admit it in her heart that she was insanely attracted to her husband. She felt great that he was hers and he had his eyes only for her. His attention made her feel loved and special.

His mere ignorance had now started bugging her and from past two days, she had been frustrated. Moreover, now what he just did.

He didn't even ask her if she wanted to go. Didn't he want her to enjoy the function? She never liked how he would disappoint her mother-in-law. Moreover, it would have been a bit distracting from all the tensions, she had received these days. Didn't Karan care about this a bit? She shook her head in thought.

Suddenly, she heard her name being called loudly. She immediately got up and walked out to see that her mother-in-law and Kritika had returned. She looked at the watch and noticed it was half past seven. Her eyebrows raised and she laughed at her mother-in-law's excited eyes. These women loved shopping so much.

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