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2 Days Later__

Preeta was returning to her home after a very tiring day of college. She just wanted to reach home soon. Being a class topper, it was her passion to carry on scoring good marks. For that, she had to be fully attentive in classes. Being teacher's favourite, she also had to do some errands which was a daily routine. Also, being a member of social clubs in her college, she had to be an active student.

After passing a mountain sized day, she just wanted to take a hot shower and relax on her bed. When the main road came in her society as she had passed the college buildings, she was about to turn to the main road but she suddenly remembered something.

There's must be Traffic Jam this way. I should take the shortcut.

Preeta immediately took the left turn towards the shortcut. Her path was calm and strangely silent. No one or no other vehicle was roaming on that road. But Preeta didn't care about that. She was tired and she really wanted to reach her home.

Preeta was feeling a little alone yesterday since when Arjun had left for Chandigarh.

She had finally got over the fact of can not be in a relationship with Arjun. She just wanted to continue her simple life. To make her parents proud by getting highest marks in her batch, to help his father and brother financially, by getting employed.

A simple dream of a simple girl.

That's what she wanted. But life is tough. You can't run from your fate. Her thoughts were again purified just like before they used to. Her mind was full of her aims and tasks, she had to do next day in college. Lets just carry on with life. Just like Arjun had said that she should not wait for him. If they have to be together then they will.

Otherwise, she will still meet her Prince charming some day. Her mind had been calm since her little moment of serious conversation with Arjun. But no one can stay calm if they have been the only thing, The Karan Luthra wanted in his life. He had concluded that Preeta was in a committed relationship with that asthmatic boy.

Not focusing on the car surrounding her on the silent road, she was normally riding her scooty. But suddenly the car overtook her scooty and stopped in the middle of the way, just in front of her scooty.

Preeta slammed the breaks and looked at the person in the driver's seat with a terror-stricken face. In front of her, was none other than, The Karan Luthra.

Preeta was stunned seeing the devil's face after whole two months. She was bewildered realizing, he had reached her. He had found her. Her heart was banging in her chest because of the terror that he will again force her, dominate her, manipulate her mind. A deadly fear crawled down her spine when her biggest nightmare, Karan got down from the car.

Her hands clutched the scooty handles tightly as sweat beads formed on her forehead. She was feeling ashamed of herself of having so much fear in heart because of him.

Preeta hadn't changed her posture as she was still sitting on her scooty while Karan was walking in all his rich glory. She noticed his casual attire and was totally unaffected by his still devilishly handsome face. It was his eyes who scared her. They were dark, cold and full of mischievousness. There wasn't a glint of any expression on Karan's face. She couldn't predict what he was going to do. Why was he coming towards her?

Karan reached her and stood in front of her scooty. She was looking at him all frightened whereas things were different in Karan's case. He was so much happy in his heart, that god has given him another sign that she was his to be with. God has let them meet so he couldn't forget her.

Today Karan was taking a new step by spending time with his old friends to forget Preeta. But God had took no time in placing her again in front of him.

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